Wednesday, December 24, 2014

How to Woo A ..

Sometimes you are trying to get someone's attention romantically, and other times you are trying to make a good impression on them so they will hire you for a job. No matter what your reason for trying to make an impact on someone emotionally, numerology can go a long way towards assisting you in figuring out what makes someone tick.

If you really want to get to know someone, calculate all of the  numbers that create him or her as sentient human beings with  desires and wishes. This includes the Life Path Number (the sum of the birth date reduced to one digit), the Destiny Number (the full name), Soul Urge (the vowels) and the Personality Number (the consonants.) Then consult with the interpretations below to find out how to get them to notice you.

How to Woo A ...

Number 1 Life Path - Show your willingness to be a follower, not a leader. A gift of cash to a good cause in his or her name always impresses a number 1.

Number 1 Destiny - Indicate that you won't mind giving up your life for this person's. Show loyalty, volunteer to be this person's
personal assistant and make it clear you will never ask much for
yourself. Never outshine this individual or they will consider you
an enemy.

Number 1 Soul Urge - Make it clear to this person that you
understand politics and special needs and that infidelities or
consorting with your enemies doesn't bother you. Soul Urge 1's
need to not be condemned for "doing what they have to do."

Number 1 Personality - Give them a picture of themselves that  is flattering or any kind of award or recognition (faux or not)  that recognizes them as number 1. The Personality 1 also  appreciates cash, trips to a spa, makeovers and shopping sprees as gifts.

How To Woo A ...

Number 2 Life Path - Nothing makes this person happier than a marriage proposal and a wedding ring.

Number 2 Destiny- Second honeymoons, promises of love and romance
and eternal fidelity please this type. In business, signing long leases or long contracts makes this type happy.

Number 2 Soul Urge - Teddy bears, pictures of you ... anything that constantly reminds them that you are always there for them despite their enormous insecurity ... always pleases a 2.

Number 2 Personality - This type is very much gratified by a pregnancy as the child cements the reality of the relationship for them. Kids are the glue that keep them together. They also appreciate any form of seduction - dinners out, long trips with just the two of you and sentimental objects and jewelry as gifts.
Pulling on the heartstrings is the key to winning over the Number 2 personality.

How To Woo A ...

Number 3 Life Path - Give him or her a long rope and the freedom to talk to or even have an affair with whomever they want.

Number 3 Destiny - A musical instrument, trip to a spa, clothes or anything that improves their performance as entertainers matters to them the most. They also like toys.

Number 3 Soul Urge - This person is likely to be most impressed by an exotic vacation. Giving them a picture of themselves (a painted portrait for example) will impress them too. Showing them off in public is also appreciated.

Number 3 Personality - This person sees him or herself as being very unique and above the rules that normally apply to any of the other numbers. As they are so special, they appreciate gifts and ideas that are one of a kind and actions that are not easily imitated.

How To Woo A ...

Number 4 Life Path - A life-long promise to take care of this  person in every way means the most to them. Individuals who are not critical of them, or who will not blame them for their situation also impress them. Cash or a roof over their heads are the best gift.

Number 4 Life Destiny - An offer of unconditional love either in  the form of marriage or life long friendship is often required.  Financial help is always appreciated by a hard done by 4.

Number 4 Soul Urge - Any type of vacation or holiday or offer to  clear up the number 4's debts usually impresses them.

Number 4 Personality - Trips to spas, paying off bills and taking  care of the basics that they can't often impresses a 4. Paying a  dental bill or back rent usually will win a 4's heart. 

How To Woo A ...

Number 5 Life Path - This person greatly appreciates a long  vacation or exotic trip.

Number 5 Destiny - Gifts such as luggage, air miles points and  paying for travel expenses impresses this individual the most. 

Number 5 Soul Urge - This person will always be in love with the person that gives them the most freedom, both physically and emotionally.

Number 5 Personality - A 5 often can't stick to anything for long, so you need to keep things exciting and constantly changing to hold their attention. They love going to the movies, collecting things and of course travel - these things are the key to their heart.

How To Woo A ...

Number 6 Life Path - A promise of marriage usually leads to sex. Old fashioned wining and dining appeals to them most. They like to be courted in traditional ways.

Number 6 Destiny - Give their parents a gift or paying respect to
the person's parents in some way (taking them to dinner) makes this number hold you in their highest esteem.

Number 6 Soul Urge - Offer to move in with the parents should you get married, or invite the parents or siblings to stay with you if necessary

Number 6 Personality - This number is most impressed if you offer to work for the family business. They also appreciate gifts that are family oriented such as family portraits, kitchen renovations and swimming pools. Anything that will entertain an extended family makes them very happy.

How To Woo A ...   

Number 7 Life Path - As they are very self-conscious, you are best to woo a 7 by being as casual as possible so they don't feel threatened. Physical intimacy needs to be approached very gently and in fact with many of them, it will not happen at all. 

Number 7 Destiny - A donation to a great cause or work in progress greatly impresses a 7. They are often broke, even though they are geniuses, so cash also impresses them.

Number 7 Soul Urge - The perfect companion for a 7 will take care of them in every way - including doing the cooking, cleaning and being a personal assistant. This should be done without expectation of emotional rewards.

Number 7 Personality - The person appreciates the gift of trust, as most of them are well aware that their emotional problems make it difficult for them to deal with.

How To Woo A ...

Number 8 Life Path - These individuals appreciate a formal,  slightly distant companion who shows a lot of taste and class. 

Number 8 Destiny - Letting this person show off by treating you  well is often the key to their heart. They like to feel like the  hero or rescuer in a person's life. 

Number 8 Soul Urge - The person may not be that interested in sex and more interested in cerebral and philanthropic matters. They are very impressed by donations in their name to charity.

Number 8 Personality - The person may not be that interested in material things as they can usually buy themselves anything they want. They like to be trusted and to be given a long rope in a relationship to do what they like and see whom they like. They are only really impressed by gifts that are really expensive and unique.

How To Woo A ...

Number 9 Life Path - This person appreciates spiritual principles and likes gifts that recognize that they are on a course of self-improvement - self help books, new age items or religious items.

Number 9 Destiny - A sure way to impress the 9 Destiny number is to make a charitable donation in his or her name to a good cause.

Number 9 Soul Urge - These wounded healers are always looking for a soul mate - a promise that is kept means a lot to them.

Number 9 Personality - Things to keep them grounded and focused such as daytime organizers, shelves or paying for a maid are especially appreciated by this very disorganized and flaky number. 

In next few newsletters we will start looking at relationship compatibility between different numbers.

Until next time..


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