Friday, June 11, 2010

What is rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?

What is rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause inflammation of the tissue around the joints, as well as in other organs in the body. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's tissues are mistakenly attacked by their own immune system. The immune system contains a complex organization of cells and antibodies designed normally to "seek and destroy" invaders of the body, particularly infections. Patients with autoimmune diseases have antibodies in their blood that target their own body tissues, where they can be associated with inflammation. Because it can affect multiple other organs of the body, rheumatoid arthritis is referred to as a systemic illness and is sometimes called rheumatoid disease.
While rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic illness, meaning it can last for years, patients may experience long periods without symptoms. However, rheumatoid arthritis is typically a progressive illness that has the potential to cause joint destruction and functional disability.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) facts

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause chronic inflammation of the joints and other areas of the body.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis can affect people of all ages.
  • The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not known.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease, characterized by periods of disease flares and remissions.
  • In rheumatoid arthritis, multiple joints are usually, but not always, affected in a symmetrical pattern.
  • Chronic inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis can cause permanent joint destruction and deformity.
  • Damage to joints can occur early and does not correlate with the severity of symptoms.
  • The "rheumatoid factor" is an antibody that can be found in the blood of 80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • There is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis.
  • The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis optimally involves a combination of patient education, rest and exercise, joint protection, medications, and occasionally surgery.
  • Early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis results in better outcomes.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet

Are there any particular foods which should be included or excluded from the diet of an individual suffering from arthritis?

Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR
Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD
Learn about the rheumatoid arthritis diet.First, there are many forms of arthritis, each of which differ in the do's and don'ts of diet. So, the answer is that it depends to some degree on the form of arthritis.
People with gouty arthritis should tend to avoid red meats, shellfish, alcohol, fructose (such as from corn syrup in soft drinks, etc.), and dehydration. At the same time, dairy products such as lowfat milk and yogurt, as well as adequate hydration, and cherries are encouraged in people with gout.
People with inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, may benefit by taking the omega-3 fatty acids that are in the oils of fish, particularly salmon. Sometimes minimizing salt intake can reduce swelling in the tissues of the hands and feet that can aggravate inflammatory arthritis.
Both people with psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis can benefit from vitamin D supplementation. Those with osteoarthritis also might benefit from the food supplement glucosamine.

Is your energetic ecosystem working the way it should?

Is your energetic ecosystem working the way it should?

And more importantly, do you know how to influence it? Imagine having the ability, at any given moment, to instantly uplift any aspect of your life by tapping into one of your 7 Chakras, and empowering it.

Need to perform better at work and get that raise or promotion? Strengthen your 1st Chakra. Want to eliminate misunderstandings and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th Chakra. Want to spice up your sex life and enjoy mind-blowing orgasms? Unblock your 2nd Chakra. Need to lose that excess flab and look good in your clothes? Again, work on your 1st Chakra.

This is the foundation of the ancient science known as Chakra Healing–an effective, spiritual and completely natural way to break free from the shackles of personal limitations, and start living on your own terms.

But what exactly are these 7 Chakras?

Chakras are 7 circular vortexes of energy (or sometimes pictured as flowers with petals) starting from your tail bone, and ending at the crown of your head. They are the focal points of your life force, or prana–and their individual states are vital to your holistic well-being.

Consider this–if we are all energetic beings of limitless potential, why do we face challenges in so many aspects of our lives? Why do our relationships, finances, career and sex life sometimes go awry?

The answer may be that the Chakra controlling this part of your life is dysfunctional–which means it’s your job to strengthen it.

Today, more and more people are realizing that the ancient science of Chakra Healing holds the key to virtually everything you’ve ever wanted in life. Have you ever wondered how some people can…

* Almost effortlessly become top performers at work, have all the money they need for necessities and luxuries alike, and look fabulous doing it? That’s because their 1st Chakra, which controls their career and finances, is strong.

* Indulge in mind-blowing passionate sex multiple times a week, even if they’re extremely busy and have been married for years? Their 2nd Chakra which controls their sexuality, is most likely glowing.

* Consistently project an image of unwavering confidence, even in the toughest of situations, and play an active role in their families and communities? That’s all thanks to the radiance of their 3rd Chakra, which controls their personal power.

* Enjoy deep, loving and understanding relationships with their teenage children, spouses, friends co-workers, and solve any dispute amicably? Their 4th Chakra, which controls their relationships, is no doubt healthy.

* Always speak their minds, wear their hearts on their sleeves, and be respected for their authenticity? That’s a shining 5th Chakra, which controls their true voice, at work.

* Rely on their “gut feelings” to intuitively solve problems at home and make important decisions at work–and be right about it most of the time? They’ve got an efficient 6th Chakra, which controls their intuition, to thank for that.

* Experience an unwavering connection to God and their higher selves, and savor the security of knowing they’re being watched over at all times? Their 7th Chakra, which controls their divine consciousness, is surely empowered.

Learn from the source of all energy healing practices.

Have you tried any form of energy healing in your life?
Maybe Yoga? Tai Chi? Qi Gong? Reiki?

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Nutrition for Women

All About WOMEN: The Best Calcium Source

Tablets, chews, fortified juices, dairy products -- where should you get your calcium?
One recent study suggests dairy is best, with a calcium supplement thrown in for good measure. In the study, women who got at least 70 percent of their calcium from dairy -- and the rest from supplements -- had better bone mineral density than the supplement-only group.

Healthy Sources Abound
It's not clear why calcium from dairy beat the supplemental stuff in a study. It may be that dairy favorably affects estrogen balance, making for stronger bones. But more research is needed to confirm the study results

Calcium Do's and Don'ts
And the study findings don't mean you should ditch your calcium chews. Just don't forget to seek out calcium from foods, too, especially because a lot of food sources provide other good-for-the-body nutrients, like vitamin D and protein. Consider low-fat yogurt (415 mg calcium per cup), Parmesan cheese (390 mg per ounce), low-fat milk (290 mg per cup), and -- if you're not into dairy -- soymilk (300 mg per cup), canned pink salmon (215 mg per half cup), and cooked spinach (180 mg per cup). A balanced, nutritious diet can make a serious dent in your calcium needs.

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The Hidden Dangers of Water

An EPA report on the status of the nation's lakes, rivers, and estuaries says that while water quality is not getting worse in America, neither is any progress being made. More than one third of all waterways are reported to be unsuitable for fishing or swimming because of pollution. Most contaminants are sewage and bacteria, fertilizer, toxic metals, oil and grease. Typical sources of the pollution include runoff from farms, industrial waste, and city sewer discharge.
Newsweek: "Several million Americans are drinking water that is potentially hazardous due to chemical or bacterial contamination." 
L.A. Times: "Communities with drinking water contamination by chemicals are being hit with strange patterns of illness." 
ABC Network News: "U.S. Industries...generate some 88,000,000 pounds of toxic wastes a year, 90 percent of which, the E.PA. estimates, are improperly disposed." 
The New York Times, June 2, 1995: "More than 1 in 5 Americans unknowingly drink tap water polluted with feces, radiation or other contaminants...Nearly 1,000 deaths each year and at least 400,000 cases of waterborne illness may be attributed to contaminated water. . "
Houston Chronicle, June 2, 1995: "The parasite [cryptosporidium] that killed more than 100 people in Milwaukee two years ago has been found in drinking water systems that serve 45 million people..." 
USA TODAY, March 30, 1995: "Parasite in water is widespread...can be dangerous, even fatal, to people with weakened immune systems." 
U.S. News & World Report, June 26, 1995: "Some individuals, federal officials said last week, should not drink water straight from the tap because a disease causing parasite can slip right through many municipal water treatment systems." 
The Washington Post, June 2, 1995: "Federal statutes do not require municipal water authorities to clean cryptosporidium from water reservoirs." 
With over 70,000 chemicals now in use and with the introduction of a 1,000 more each year, drinking water contamination is increasing at an alarming rate. According to a leading citizen lobby, U.S. drinking water has 2,100 toxic chemicals causing cancer, cell mutation, and nervous disorders. Existing treatment plants were not designed to remove the new toxic chemicals, and the government is slow to regulate the high rate of contamination. Responsible citizens are left to educate and protect themselves from the world's greatest environmental threat - chemically contaminated water. 

Aluminum and Alzheimer's Disease

If you have ever wondered why there is such an astounding increase in Alzheimer's disease, the answer may have finally been found. In the April 1995 issue of the international science journal, Neurotoxicology, a private Australian research group reported that the widespread use of aluminum salts to purify water may lead to brain damage and may account for the large scale loss of memory experienced by people suffering from Alzheimer's disease!
The Australia Institute of Biomedical Research, based in Sydney, reported that experiments with rats showed that tiny amounts of aluminum consumed in water found its way to their brains and accumulated there. It has been known for twenty years that if aluminum accumulated in the brain over a period of time, it could kill off neurons and cause memory loss. Institute researcher Judie Walton noted the worldwide massive increase in Alzheimer's disease over the past 70 years. She pointed out: "We are drinking it and eating it throughout our lifetimes, so by the time we are quite old we have had a lot of exposure to aluminum." Aluminum is also found in food emulsifiers, anti-perspirant deodorants, baking powder, some toothpastes, and many of the commonly used cooking utensils. 
The research on rats found measurable amounts of aluminum in their brains after just one glass of aluminum treated water. Walton observed: "We really should look seriously at revisiting this possibility that aluminum addition to foods and drinking water is a health hazard." Due to the concerns about a link between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease, Sydney, Australia's largest city, is already gradually withdrawing aluminum treatment of water.
Using aluminum to purify water may be even more dangerous than the use of fluoride and chlorine in our water. It is believed that the problem is worsened by the action of fluoride in facilitating the absorption of aluminum.

The Worsening Contamination of Water

 It has been estimated that 53 million Americans, about 20 percent of the population, have been drinking water that is contaminated with feces, radiation, lead, or other poisons. This is according to data collected by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1993-1994. This was a 7.6 million increase over 1992!

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) reported that it had tested 29 Midwestern cities and towns and found that all had herbicides present in the drinking water. In one Illinois city, they found that the level of the weed killer cyanazine in the public water supply was 34 times above the federal standards. The EWG estimated that 20 to 25 million Americans are now drinking water polluted with herbicides. Research in laboratories has shown a higher incidence of cancer and birth defects in animals fed with food containing herbicides .
The EWG conservatively attributed at least 1000 deaths each year, and about 400,000 cases of waterborne illness, to contaminated tap water. Besides hazards for the unsuspecting general population, experts have noted the serious health consequences that exist for infants and children. 

5 Ways to Head Off a Headache

5 Ways to Head Off a Headache

Although headaches can range from annoying to debilitating, they do share one important trait: They make it really hard to enjoy life. You don't look healthy or feel beautiful when your hands have a vice grip on your temples. So what can you do? Take steps to understand what's causing the headaches, so you can find ways to stop them from starting.

1. Make a positive ID.
The first thing to do is make sure you don't have a secondary headache. That is, a headache that's a side effect of some other health problem. It's helpful to have a doc figure out the cause, but you can assist big time by identifying the triggers of your headache. Keep a log that has the date, the time, and what you did and ate for the 48 hours preceding your headache (and if you're a woman, what time in your cycle it occurred).
Need help sorting out your headache symptoms and triggers?

2. Strengthen your neck.
Weak neck muscles can cause pain in your upper back that goes to your lower neck and then to your upper neck as progressively weak muscles compensate for too much time spent hovering over the computer, the remote, or those baby booties you've been working on for more than a year. Weakness of the trapezius muscles can lead to soreness in your upper back. Strengthening that area can reduce pain by over 80%.

3. Sweat it out.
Walking, swimming, and biking aren't just good for your heart health, your waistline, and your sexual magnetism. Regular aerobic exercise also means that you'll be having less regular headaches. How? It helps relieve stress and increases the level of pain-killing endorphins. Similarly, yoga, stretching, and meditation help reduce tension and thus relax the chemical wackiness that can cause headaches.

4. Try supplements.
Some of the vitamins, minerals, and supplements that may help prevent headaches include the herb butter bur (50–75 milligrams twice a day for prevention or 100 milligrams every 3 hours for 3 doses during an active migraine); vitamin B2 (riboflavin at 400 milligrams in the morning); coenzyme Q10 (200 milligrams three times a day); and magnesium sulfate (200–400 milligrams twice a day; less if you have loose stools). There's a hung jury on the effectiveness of these supplements, but if you have chronic problems, they may be worth a try. They take 6 weeks to work.

5. Touch the pressure points.
Yes, let your fingers do the talking. Developed in Asia over 2,000 years ago, acupressure works when your fingers press points on the body that release muscular stress. Get a shiatsu massage, or do it yourself by using the following moves the next time your head is pounding. Unless you're pregnant: Lots of experts warn against using these points if you are.
  • Belly of your temporalis muscle: Located in the center of your temple region. Rub this region with your first and middle fingers pressed closely together until you find a tender muscular zone. If you have trouble locating this point, place your fingers against your temples and then clench down on your molars a few times. You should feel the main muscle belly of your temporalis muscles bulge in and out.

  • Behind the ears: Locate the points at the base of the skull on the back of your head, just behind the bones in back of your ears, and apply rotational pressure with your thumbs for 2 minutes.

  • Between the eyes: Pinch the tissue just above the nose with your middle finger near one eye and the thumb near the other; slowly push upward, so you feel the pressure near your eyebrows.

  • The hand web: Using the thumb and index finger, apply a pinching pressure to the soft fleshy web between the thumb and index finger of your opposite hand.

Numerology: Calculating Your Life Challenge Numbers‏

In numerology, we use subtraction to find three individual numbers that represent life challenges. The />interpretations of these numbers represent the obstacles,hurdles and difficulties that one is most likely to face during certain phases of life.
The first number that is calculated is your Early Challenge number. This represents difficulties that you will face during the first 28 years of your life.
The second number that is calculated is the Middle Challenge number. This represents difficulties that you are likely to face during the second 28 years of life.
The third number is the Main Challenge number. This number not only emphasizes the difficulties that you will face during the latter part of your life but it also represents the chronic obstacles that you will face during your entire life.
The Main challenge number is considered to be the most dominant of all the challenge numbers. The main challenge number takes precedence over the other two because it represents obstacles that may come from within. It is the devil (the issue) that you often find yourself wrestling with your entire life. It is the question that burns inside you that you have always hoped would somehow be answered before you die.
The Early Challenge number is less influential which may represent more episodic or situational problems. Early challenge numbers can indicate problems due to circumstances or parents. It can also represent internal. These problems of course can disappear as the child matures and enters the middle years of the life cycle.
The Middle Challenge number is also situational and usually the result of hardship or complications brought on by other individuals in your life. The number can also represent behavioral problems as well as interference from natural forces that are beyond your control.
Your first step to calculating any of the challenge numbers is to reduce your day, month and birthday down into a single digit. For example, my birthday June 7, 1960 reduces down to:
Month 6
Day 7
Year 7 (1+ 9 + 6 + 0 = 16 = 1+6 = 7)
Remember to reduce all numbers including master numbers down to a single digit in order to perform this calculation properly.
Calculating life challenge numbers is slightly different than other numerology calculation because the sums that comprise the Month, Day and Year of birth are not added together.
Instead they are treated as individual sums that can be subtracted from each other.
To calculate your Early Life Challenge number subtract the difference between the MONTH and the DAY of your birth. In my case it would be 7-6 = 1. My early life challenge number is .
The second calculation is for the Middle Life Challenge. This means finding the difference between the DAY of birth and the Year of Birth. I chose my birthday because it leads to a unique calculation. 7-7 = 0. In this particular numerology reading there is an interpretation for the number 0.
To find your Main Life Challenge number find the difference between your Early Life Challenge Number and your Middle Life Challenge Number. Subtract the lower number from the higher number. In my example the resulting equation is 1 (Middle Life Number ) - 0 (Early Life Number) =1. My main challenge number is one.
If you get the same number twice or even three times it means that challenge may be doubly emphasized in your life.
For example if your Early Life Challenge number is the same as your Middle Life Challenge Number then problems from your childhood may dominate all of your years. It can also mean that many of the obstacles that you have had to face were not of your own making.
If your Main Challenge Number is the same as your Middle Life Number then many of the problems you encounter could be
caused by the decisions you are making as an adult. Reading the interpretation of that number could give you clues as to how you often manage to be your own worst enemy.
If all three of your numbers are the same then it is safe to assume that the cosmos is trying to make you learn a life lesson by manifesting unpleasant situations wherever you go!
In next week's newsletter we will provide you with the interpretations for all eight of the Challenge numbers.
The reason there are only eight interpretations is because no difference results to more of than the sum of eight when performing Life Challenge Number calculations.


Constipation in Adults

The guide's purpose is to provide understanding and advice to individuals with constipation symptoms. The Constipation Guide should be used as a complement to your formal evaluation by a doctor, not as a substitute for office-based care. The Constipation Guide will provide recommendations relating to both evaluation and treatment based on the answers you give to a series of questions.

The number of questions you are asked will be determined by your symptoms. You will be asked a minimum of 12 questions, with additional questions relevant to your age, gender, or symptoms.

What is constipation?

Contrary to popular myth, it is not necessary for you to be "regular" (have daily bowel movements) for your bowel pattern to be normal. If your bowel movements are so infrequent that they cause you discomfort, or if bowel movements are an effort for you, then you are experiencing constipation.

Related Information
• Colon Polyps
• Colonoscopy
• Colorectal Cancer
• Diabetic Nephropathy
• Hemorrhoids
• Hypothyroidism
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Parkinson's Disease
• Uterine and Bladder Prolapse

Constipation in Adults
By answering a short series of questions, you will allow us to individualize our advice for you.

The following symptoms may indicate a serious complication of constipation, such as a complete blockage of stool:

* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Severe abdominal pain
* Stool leakage or diarrhea (despite also having prominent symptoms
   of constipation within the last 24 hours)
* A persistent urge to move your bowels

Have you experienced any of these symptoms within the last 24 hours?

Constipation in Adults

Constipation can be the result of a medical problem, and sometimes it is a valuable clue to a medical illness that has not yet been diagnosed. Sometimes, it signals that you may have a neurologic illness or injury.

Please consider the following questions:

a) Did your symptoms develop following a back or neck injury?
b) Have you been diagnosed with any neurological illness (Parkinson's,
Multiple Sclerosis, or other)?

Constipation in Adults

It does not sound likely that your constipation has resulted from a nerve injury in the brain or spinal cord area. However, there are also nerve endings within the intestines that may be affecting your bowel function and the function of these nerves should be considered. A common cause of constipation is nerve damage local to the intestines that is known as autonomic neuropathy. This is a common complication of diabetes.

Sometimes constipation is caused by an abnormality in the body's calcium or electrolyte balance, or it can be the result of low thyroid function. These problems can result in many other symptoms in addition to constipation. If you have several symptoms that are suggestive for an electrolyte or thyroid abnormality, then it will be important for you to have some blood tests to evaluate this possibility.

You may experience the following symptoms if you have a calcium or electrolyte imbalance or a thyroid problem:

* Fatigue
* Depression
* Difficulty staying warm
* Weight gain
* Coarse and dry skin
* Muscle cramps or muscle weakness
* Slowness of memory or thinking tasks
* Facial swelling, particularly around the eyes
* Coarse hair or hair loss
* A sensation of a lump in the throat
* A change in menstruation (lighter or heavier, or more or less frequent)

Constipation in Adults

Great! Fortunately, you do not have enough symptoms to specifically suggest an electrolyte, calcium or thyroid problem at this time.

You may not need a blood test to assess your electrolytes, calcium level, and thyroid function now, but if your constipation remains unexplained these tests may be helpful.

Persistent constipation always warrants a basic physical examination and a discussion of your diet and medicines, so we will move on to discuss medicines and constipation.