Thursday, January 29, 2015

Numerology has a great deal to do with the numeric value of the alphabet and there are many legends and theories about how this came about.

The alphabet itself was inspired by pictorial representations that recorded elaborate stories. These full pictographs originally were abbreviated to form hieroglyphics with each symbol depicting a word. As more time elapsed the glyphs were further reduced to represent individual sounds and then the consonants and vowels that we know today.

The modern alphabet that numerological systems are based on is derived from an earlier hieroglyphic system that is still used by Japanese and Chinese cultures. Each letter also symbolizes a number. This has remained unchanged, even though our speech patterns have evolved to make some sounds obsolete

Each sound is thought to also have an esoteric spiritual implication, with an essence that can be described as a number. Even more meaning is given to the very first letter of the word.

Here is a breakdown of the numerical vibrations of the letters in the alphabet according to ancient numerology systems that originated in Babylon and Egypt. In these systems, personality was analyzed by the first letter of the name.

A is the numerical equivalent of 1 and symbolizes confidence. When it's the first vowel in a name, the person tends to be bold. On the negative side, A can be critical of efforts of others.

B is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents our emotions. A person with a B first letter is friendly and a homebody. On the negative side, B can be self absorbed if not a bit greedy.

C is the numerical equivalent of 3 and represents energy. C people are talented and get along well with others. Negatively, C people can be ruthless and crue

D is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents balance. It is very powerful and is the letter associated with business. When it is the first consonant in a name the person is very tired. On the negative side a D person can be stubborn. 

E is the second vowel in the alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 5. It is a is warm hearted, loving and compassionate. The E can be unreliable and a bit flaky.

F is the numerical equivalent of 6 and represents love. It is warm-hearted, compassionate, and easy going. When it is the first consonant in a name it carries the vibration of a nurturer. Negatively, F people can be prone to self-pity.

G is the numerical equivalent of 7 and represents mysticism and religious experiences. This letter is imaginative, creative, and helpful. When it is the first consonant in a name, the bearer will tend to be a loner. G's don't listen well to others.

H is the numerical equivalent of 8 and represents creativity and power. This letter has a great deal of business talent. Negatively, it can be self absorbed and greedy.  

I is the third vowel of the alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 9. It represents law and as a general rule is sensitive, compassionate and humane. On the negative side people with this first letter can be ill-tempered. 

J is the numerical equivalent of 1 and represents our aspirations. This letter is truthful, benevolent and intelligent. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer will possess an unyielding desire to not give up and will therefore find success - eventually. Negatively, J can be lazy and lack direction.

K is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents a person that goes to extremes. K people are strong willed and influential.Negatively, K can be dissatisfied with life and take their discontent out on others.

L is the numerical equivalent of 3 and represents action. It is charitable and well adjusted but can be somewhat accident prone

M is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents spirituality. This letter has a great deal of self confidence and is therefore likely to achieve success. The drawback is that people with this letter can be workaholics.

N is the numerical equivalent of 5 and represents imagination. It is intuitive and communicative, but negatively can be predisposed to jealousy. 

O is equates to the number 6. This letter represents patience,compentence and is particularly studious. The drawback of being an O is being a bit of a drama queen.

P is the numerical equivalent of 7 and represents power. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer is likely to think of
spiritual matters. Negatively, P people can be selfish and flaky.

Q is the numerical equivalent of 8 and represents originality. It
symbolizes genius and the unknowable. Negatively, Q can be too self absorbed.

R is the numerical equivalent of 9 and is tolerant and humane but has a tendency to become short tempered. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer will often act as a diplomat.

S is the numerical equivalent of 1 and represents beginnings. S people are very sexy. Negatively, S can act impulsively without concern for others

T is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents growth. It is a restless letter which seeks answers to spiritual questions.
Negatively, T is overly emotional, indecisive and is often easily
influenced by the opinions of others.

U is the final true vowel in the alphabet and is the numerical
equivalent of 3. The U person is very lucky in all ways. Negatively, U can be selfish, greedy and indecisive.

V is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents construction. It is an industrious letter which is tireless and efficient. However V people can also be ruthless.

W is the numerical equivalent of 5 and represents self-expression. These first letter people are artistic. Negatively, W can be greedy and take too many risks.

X is the numerical equivalent of 6 and represents sexuality. This letter is very sexy. Unfaithfulness is an unpleasant character trait as well.

 Y is the penultimate letter in our alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 7. This number loves freedom and dislikes restraint of any kind. However Y can be indecisive and lazy.

 Z is the final letter in our alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 8. It represents hope and peace. Negatively, Z first letter people often act without thinking and without regard for others.

As you can see this is quite a different way of looking at name numerology but it is also a very ancient way that is often very accurate.       

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The 888 Code (January 26) – Triple Activation of Your Infinite Resources

 888 triple abundance

Once, and sometimes twice a year,we are blessed with a 9 Universal Month.

In 2015, both January and October bring the “king” of numbers to life.

When a month adds up to the number 9 in numerology, EVERY DAY 
of the month has the SAME number frequency 
as the Universal Date. 

That double magnification is happening every day in January – and I’m sure it has already given
you lots of feedback.

Talk about connecting with your divinity and your magnificence this month!
Three days in January are extra special.

These three days resonate to the core message embedded in the 2015 Code. Two of these three days have already transpired – January 8 and 17.

But it all culminates on the FINAL day that this powerful triple 888 code is activated…

January 26, 2015 – 888 Code Day

On Monday, January 26 the number 8 is activated three times for the third time:

➼ January 26 is an 8 Universal Day (2+6=8).
➼ 1.26.2015 is a 17/8 Universal Date (1+2+6+2+0+1+5=17; 1+7=8)
➼ 2015 is n 8 Universal Year (2+0+1+5=8).

Now lets deeper into this mystical code…

888 has embedded in it the number 24 (8+8+8 = 24).

There are 24 Hours in a day – and night and day comprise a visceral experience of TIME that is deeply embedded in our human psyche.

Here’s what’s so special about this number:

24 is the smallest number with exactly 8 divisors.

Translation: Number 24 can be divided into EIGHT numbers – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24.

What a beautiful symbolic message embedded in our 24-hour day… the number 24 is a human expression of our experience of infinity!

 How January 26’s 888 Code Will Fuel You 

om chakras 888 

The 24 and 8 Code calibrates us to wake up each new day feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, released from yesterday – a renewal celebrating eternal life and our ability to experience new glorious opportunities.
Imagine your soul emitting infinite energy into the universe…

Bring heaven to earth and release your imagination back up into the heavenly realms. 

That is the VISUAL message of the number 8 – as above, so below. 24 hours is the full cycle of an Earth day – each day represents a new opportunity to engage more passionately with what brings you fulfillment and joy.

Everything you envision is your reality.

And so, 8 symbolizes visionary leadership – being fiercely trusting and confident in your internal resources.

Clarity about your vision DRAWS OUT your inner resources and the joy you bring to manifesting your vision DRAWS IN people by your magnificence.

Others love it when you shine! Because you are mirroring THEIR magnificence back to THEM. 

This is exactly how benevolent leaders uplift others by their energetic presence.

Throughout 2015, the leader in YOU yearns to fulfill your purpose and manifest your vision.

That cycle of joyous transformation translates into true abundance – especially in 2015.

Yes, the 2015 Code is set up to attract the most amazing blessings!

May your 888 Day and 8 Universal Year be blessed and lift your heart into divine realms of joy and fulfillment.

Love and Abundance,