Sunday, November 24, 2013



The aura consist of seven levels/layers/auric bodies. Each one of the subtle bodies that exist around the physical body, has its own unique frequency. They are inter related, and affect one another and the person's feelings, emotions, thinking, behaviour, and health as well. Therefore a state of imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of imbalance in the others.

1) Physical auric body - Physical sensations. Simple physical comfort,pleasure,health.
2) The etheric auric body - Emotions with respect to self. Self-acceptance and self love.
3) Vital auric body - Rational mind. To understand the situation in a clear,linear,rational way.
4) Astral (emotional) body - Relations with others. Loving interaction with friends and family.
5) Lower mental auric body - Divine will within. To align with the divine will within, to make commitment to speak and follow the truth.
6) Higher mental auric body - Divine love, and spiritual ecstasy.
7) Spiritual (intuitive) body - Divine mind, serenity. To be connected to divine mind and to understand the greater universal pattern.

See Auras


An aura is a colored light that emanates from people. These auras can be read and interpreted to mean various things. Auras are most commonly seen around the head and shoulders and they radiate up a few inches. Human auras change due to internal and external stimuli.

Many things effect a person's aura including food, medication, and breathing patterns. An aura is often described as 'chemistry.'

Have you have ever wondered if the Aura's surrounding people are in fact real or nothing more than a mere metaphor to describe someone?

If you answered yes to the above question, then listen and listen good because what I'm about to share with you is sure to captivate and amaze you at the same time.

Aura Color Meanings

RED AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the physical body, heart or circulation.The densest color, it creates the most friction. Friction attracts or repels; money worries or obsessions; anger or unforgiveness; anxiety or nervousness

Deep Red: Grounded, realistic, active, strong will-power, survival-oriented.

Muddied red: Anger (repelling)

Clear red: Powerful, energetic, competitive, sexual, passionate

Pink-bright and light: Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revieved romantic relationship. Can indicate clairaudience.

Dark and murky pink: Immature and/or dishonest nature

Orange Red: Confidence, creative power.  In a good, bright and pure state, red energy can serve as a healthy ego.

ORANGE AURA COLOR: Relates to reproductive organs and emotions.The color of vitality, vigor, good health and excitement. Lots of energy and stamina, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing social nature; currently experiencing stress related to apetites and addictions;

Orange-Yellow: Creative, intelligent, detail oriented, perfectionist, scientific.

YELLOW AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going.

Light or pale yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; optimism and hopefulness; positive excitement about new ideas.

Bright lemon-yellow: Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship; fear of losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power.

Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright: Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.

Dark brownish yellow or gold: A student, or one who is straining at studying; overly analitical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed; trying to make up for "lost time" by learning everything all at once.

GREEN AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to heart and lungs.It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change.Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social

Bright emerald green: A healer, also a love-centered person

Yellow-Green: Creative with heart, communicative

Dark or muddy forest green: Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self or others; insecurity and low self-esteem; lack of understanding personal responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism

Turquoise: Relates to the immune system.Sensitive, compassionate, healer, therapist.

BLU AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the throat, thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive.

Soft blue: Peacefulness, clarity and communication;truthful; intuitive

Bright royal blue: Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming

Dark or muddy blue: Fear of the future; fear of self-expression; fear of facing or speaking the truth

INDIGO AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland.  Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling.

VIOLET AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to crown, pineal gland and nervous system.The most sensitive and wisest of colors. This is the intuitive color in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attunement with self.Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical.

LAVENDER AURA COLOR MEANING: Imagination, visionary, daydreamer, etheric.

SILVER AURA COLOR MEANING: This is the color of abundance, both spiritual and physical. Lots of bright silver can reflect to plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind.

Bright metallic silver: Receptive to new ideas; intuitive; nurturing

Dark and muddy gray: Residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems, especially if gray clusters seen in specific areas of the body

GOLD AURA COLOR MEANING: The color of enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is being guided by their highest good. It is divine guidance. Protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, spiritual mind, intuitive thinker.

BLACK AURA COLOR MEANING: Draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it.Usually indicates long-term unforgiveness (toward others or another) collected in a specific area of the body, which can lead to health problems; also, entitities within a person's aura, chakras, or body; past life hurts; unreleased grief from abortions if it appears in the ovaries

WHITE AURA COLOR MEANING: Reflects other energy. A pure state of light. Often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura.Spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions. Purity and truth; angelic qualities.
White sparkles or flashes of white light: angels are nearby;can indicate that the person is pregnant or will be soon

EARTH AURA COLORS: Soil, wood, mineral, plant. These colors display a love of the Earth, of being grounded and is seen in those who live and work on the, farming, etc. These colors are important and are a good sign.

RAINBOWS: Rainbow-colored stripes, sticking out like sunbeams from the hand, head or body: A Reiki healer, or a starperson (someone who is in the first incarnation on Earth)

PASTELS: A sensitive blend of light and color, more so than basic colors. Shows sensitivity and a need for serenity.

DIRTY BROWN OVERLAY: Holding on to energies. Insecurity.

DIRTY GRAY OVERLY: Blocking energies. Guardedness.



The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body (Human Energy Field-HEF) and every organism and object in the Universe.

The Human Energy Field as a collection of electro - magnetic energies of varying densities that permeate through and emit or exit from the physical body of a living person. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field. This "auric egg" emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet (1 metre on average) on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground. 

Chakra Aura Picture

Seven Power Centers or Chakras of the Kundalini System

Picture 1
The spirals indicate the contrasting energies of psyche and spirit: the fiery energies, or darker helix, contrast with the lighter, spiritual energies; all must be brought together in balance.
Source: Joseph Campbell, The Mythic Image (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1974

As Above, So Below
Picture 2
As above, so below - with the hearth chakra being in the center 

You can do a chakra assessment:
a) Using your Hands
b) Using a Pendulum (Dowsing)
Place your pendulum over each chakra and ask your pendulum for its: direction, size and speed.
Construct your own or use a Chakra chart to determine on which chakra to work on, if it is balanced, under or over energized.
In the same manner you can determine if or what stones or colors may be needed. Go through each of the chakras and make sure that you construct your questions in a way that they can always be answered with a YES or NO.
It is not necessary to do the assessment over the clients body. It can be done over the palm as well. The first chakra can be assessed over the wrist, the second at the thumb, the third over the middle finger, the fourth over a small finger, the fifth over the index finger, the sixth over the ring finger and finally the seventh chakra over the palm.

We can influence our chakras, our health, and our lives by using different techniques such as:
There is also a new and exciting, breakthrough technique You can now use to attune, balance your Chakras so they work at their optimum to create a more Holistic Being. If we concentrate on balancing the chakras it will lead not only in balancing the chakras itself, but the physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances caused by their deficient functioning.

According to the Eastern understanding, the Universal Life Force flows through the top of the head and down the chakras, nurturing our bodies with seven distinct kinds of energy, each essential to our physical and spiritual development. And it flows upward through the chakras, communicating individual insight and a conscious sense of universal interconnectedness.

We can think of chakras as floppy discs that contain vital programs.

They contain programmed subroutines that shape our behaviour. We all function by sets of programs, which may or may not be conscious. In this analogy the body is the hardware, our programming is the software, and the Self is the user. We did not write all of these programs, and some of their language is very archaic. The challenge before us is to identify our programs and rewrite them all while continuing to live our lives, yet this is the task of healing.

The chakra system can be used as a tool to fight viruses, debug and reprogram our lives. In order to run any of our programs we have to activate our energy currents, which is bipolar as mentioned above:
* Earth-centred which we contact through our bodies called grounding ( comes from the solid contact we make with the earth through feet and legs), which provides connection that makes us feel safe, alive, centred in ourselves, and rooted in environment );
* and the pole of consciousness which is experienced through our minds, and this is our inner understanding, our memory, our dreams, and beliefs. We have a dynamic energy flow throughout our entire being when it is connected to our body.

We can plug in into this system just as we plug in our stereo. The chakras than become like stations, receiving and broadcasting at different frequencies.
The seven vortices of the chakras are created by the combination of these two active principles: consciousness and matter.

Consciousness enters through the crown chakra and flows downward through the body, than upward from earth to ethereal consciousness.

In order to be whole, a human being needs a balance between the downward flow and the upward flow of energy. Blockages in any of the chakras affects the flow of the currents.

What blocks a chakra?
Childhood traumas, cultural conditioning, limited belief system, bad habits, physical and emotional injuries. Or even just lack of attention all contribute to chakra blockage.
Difficulties abound in life, for each one, we develop a coping strategy. If these difficulties persist, these coping strategies become chronic patterns, anchored in the body and psyche as defence structures. It is important to recognize the blocks we carry, find and understand their source and meaning, and develop tools to heal them.
To learn more about each individual chakra main characteristics, balances and imbalances, what makes them excessive and deficient, about healing strategies, affirmations and more click here.
The Balanced System
It is possible to be relatively balanced through the chakras without being an enlightened master. People who have done lot of their own healing work or were lucky in their upbringing may be relatively balanced.

What would this look like?
The person would be:
* well grounded and in touch with their body,
* in good health and vitality,
* aware of their feelings without being ruled by them,
* sexually content without being driven,
* with balanced third chakra they would have confidence and confidence without dominating others,
* the heart would be compassionate and loving, yet centred and peaceful,
* could communicate feelings or ideas with truth and clarity and be ableto listen to others,
* their upper chakra would bring imagination, wisdom and a personal connection with spirit.

This is an ideal we hope to strive. We all have the means to achieve it, only it takes time, patience and dedication.

The work depend entirely on the person's structure and the practitioner's style. The main thing to remember is that body, soul, mind and spirit together with the seven chakras, are one invisible whole.

COLOURS -Reduction of the influence of the three subtle-components with increasing spiritual level

6.3 Reduction of the influence of the three subtle-components with increasing spiritual level

As we grow spiritually what intrinsically happens is that the darkness of the five senses, mind and intellect begins to reduce and consequently the Soul (i.e. the God) within us begins to illuminate. Refer to the diagram below. This is also known as the dissolution of the five senses, mind and intellect. We refer to the five senses, mind and intellect as darkness or ignorance as they keep us away from identifying with our true state, i.e. the God within us or the Soul.
The Soul, which is the God within us, is beyond the three subtle basic components and is therefore not comprised of them. Therefore the more the light of the Soul is illuminated within us through spiritual practice, the less the influence of the three subtle-components in dictating our personalities, choices and actions. In the final stages of our spiritual growth when the light of the Soul illuminates us almost completely, we live our lives in complete unison with God’s will and the three subtle-components are diluted and exert a negligible influence on our personalities.

6.4 With relation to our personality

In the below table, we have provided a few pointers that will help to distinguish the type of personality that a person displays according to the predominant subtle-component.
These are just pointers to give one a basic understanding. A correct analysis of the predominant subtle basic component in a person can only be ascertained through one’s sixth sense (ESP).

Sattvik person
Rājasik person
Tamasik person
Personality defects
Complete control on emotions, thoughts and actions
Angry, jealous, proud, egoistic, bossy, attention seeking, greedy, going to any extent to fulfil worldly ambitions and desires, worrying, day dreamer
Lazy, inactive, depressed, extremely selfish, not thinking about others or even harming them when fulfilling one’s selfish ends, irritable
All virtues, truthful and lawful, tolerant, serene, stable intellect, not egotistical.
Eventually goes beyond virtues and defects. Fearless about death.
Industrious but directionless efforts in terms of spiritual growth
Main way of gaining happiness
Acquiring knowledge, skills, helping others, meditation, increasing spiritual level. Eventually goes beyond happiness-unhappiness and towards Bliss
Gaining authority, worldly possessions
Eating, drinking, sexual intercourse etc.
In relation to others
Living to serve society and help people grow spiritually. Here growing spiritually means in a more universal sense according to the 6 basic laws of spiritual practice.
Self-centred or helping others with a lot of ego about the help being given
Harming others. Most tamasik – harming society at large in the name of religion or some ideology.
4-6 hours
7-9 hours
12-15 hours
Spiritual power
Very low 1

  1. The exception to this is a subtle-sorcerer (māntrik) who may have a lot of spiritual strength due to undertaking spiritual practice for evil reasons but is predominantly tamasik.

These attributes are not mutually exclusive. For example, a certain sattvik person may need 9 hours of sleep or a tamasik person may have a virtue like tolerance. But the person’s nature is decided by the overall sum total of the virtues and defects. Hence one should not decide about oneself or others based on one or two characteristics but the overall picture needs to be taken into consideration.
Also it is very rare that a person is found to be entirely sattvik, rajasik or tamasik. Mostly a person is either Sattva-Raja or Raja-Sattva or Raja-Tama predominant. A Sattva-Raja person would have characteristics of both Sattva and Raja in almost similar proportion with a predominance of Sattva. In the case of a Raja-Sattva person it would be just opposite.
Depending on the subtle-component that is most predominant within a person, they will accordingly display that type of personality. However as much as one may dress up or camouflage oneself behind expensive clothes and accessories and sophisticated small talk, the basic frequencies that one emits will be based on the subtle-component that is most predominant within one. People with advanced sixth sense can look beyond the external veneer that people project to the world and pick up these subtle and intangible frequencies. As a result, they can easily tell a person’s basic nature i.e. sattvik, rajasik or tamasik and the characteristics that they are most likely to display.
A true litmus test of an individual's predominant subtle-component is when one is left to oneself. A person generally shows his or her true colours in a situation where the person is not being monitored and is reflected by the individual's behaviour. The following example will help crystallise this point.
Let us take an example of a class of students in the 4th grade. They are a noisy, rowdy bunch with a teacher who tries hard to discipline them. If the teacher's voice is very firm she has a fair chance of keeping the class quiet. As a result, the class is quiet only in her presence. However the moment she leaves the class they are back to their mischievous ways. This is because these children are basically rajasik and tamasik in nature.
If on the other hand there is a sattvik child in the class and his fellow students try to enlist his participation in some incorrect act like bullying, playing a nasty prank or indulging in cheating, the child would absolutely not be able to comply as his basic nature is sattvik. He is more likely to get a knot in his stomach than enjoy whatever his classmates are suggesting. He would not be able to live with himself if he did any incorrect act.

Thus rather than superficially trying to change children through moral value lectures, a permanent change could be found if they were encouraged to do spiritual practice and were brought up in a spiritually conducive environment that would increase their Sattva component.

7. The three subtle basic components and our lifestyle

Everything around us can be categorised as sattvik, rajasik or tamasik depending on the predominant subtle-component that they are made up of. The predominant subtle-component in anything can only be measured with one’s sixth sense (ESP).
We have provided a few generic examples of the various facets of the world we live in and the dominant subtle-component. Depending on whether we are sattvik, rajasik or tamasik individuals, we will gravitate towards sattvik, rajasik or tamasik lifestyles. Also associating ourselves with particular components through our lifestyle choices increases the respective subtle-components within us.

8. The three subtle-components and ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.)

Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) are primarily Raja and Tama predominant. A ghost that is lower in the hierarchy, i.e. below 50% spiritual strength such as a common ghost is Raja-Tama predominant. A ghost that is higher in the hierarchy, i.e. above the 50% spiritual strength such as a subtle-sorcerer from the 6th or 7th region of Hell (Patal) is Tama-Raja predominant.
As ghosts are Raja-Tama predominant, they frequent Raja-Tama environments on Earth as they are most likely to find Raja-Tama predominant people there. These like-minded people are ideal targets for possession and carrying out the plans of ghosts on Earth. In other words, a person who is predominantly tamasik and who has a liking for harming others stands a high risk of being controlled by ghosts to harm society.

The principle behind protecting oneself against a ghost is to increase one’s sāttviktā. As ghosts are tamasik, they cannot tolerate highly sattvik environments or people. It is for this reason they simply cannot possess a higher level Saint or a Guru.

9. In summary

The key points to take away from this article are:
  • All of us emit Sattva, Raja or Tama frequencies depending on which subtle-component is predominant in us. The more the Sattva component within us the better our personalities and the higher the sustainable success and contentment in our career, relationships and lives.
  • The Sattva component can be increased through spiritual practice along with dissociating oneself from Raja and Tama influences as much as possible.
  • The company that we keep is a strong influence in helping us in our spiritual practice.
  • Ghosts take advantage of Tama predominant environments and people to carry out their activities of harming society and reducing Righteousness (Dharma) in the world.

COLOURS -The three subtle basic components and the five Cosmic Elements

4. The three subtle basic components and the five Cosmic Elements

The three subtle-components also make up the five Absolute Cosmic Principles (Panchamahābhūtās). The five Cosmic Principles are Absolute Earth (Pruthvītattva), Absolute Water (Āpatattva), Absolute Fire (Tējtattva), Absolute Air (Vāyutattva) and Absolute Ether (Ākāshtattva) Principles. The Cosmic Elements are intangible in nature and are the subtle most aspect of the actual elements that we can see and feel. For example, the Absolute Water Principle is the subtlest form of the water that goes to make up the rivers and the oceans etc. In short, the five Absolute Cosmic Elements are the building blocks of the Universe.  But they are also made up of the three subtle basic components.
The following table shows how each Cosmic Element differs in its composition with regards to the proportion of the three subtle basic components.

As you can see from the table above, the Absolute Earth Principle has the highest amount of Tama; hence it is also the heaviest. The subtle basic Tama component limits existence, whereas the subtle basic Sattva component makes it expansive. This explains why the Absolute Earth Principle is the most inferior among the five Cosmic Elements. It also explains why the Absolute Ether Principle is the most subtle and sattvik and thus the most powerful. The reduction in the Tama subtle basic component across the five major Cosmic Elements makes the elements progressively less tangible. For example, Fire is less gross or tangible than Earth.
Humans are composed predominantly of the Absolute Earth and Absolute Water Principles. As an individual starts evolving spiritually, he or she starts functioning at progressively higher levels, like the Absolute Fire Principle etc. This is characterised by a sense of radiance emanating from a spiritually evolved person. As this happens, the individual's basic needs begin to decrease, such as the need for food and sleep.  In addition, his comprehension and capacity to perform various activities increases markedly both quantitatively and qualitatively.

5. The three subtle basic components and the world

5.1 Natural Disasters

If there is an increase in the Raja and Tama in the world, it translates into increased wars, terrorist activities and natural disasters. The increase in Raja and Tama in the world causes a destabilisation of the five Cosmic Elements resulting in catastrophic natural disasters. Please refer to the article on the reason behind the increasing intensity of natural disasters.

5.2 Non-living things

The following chart shows the relationship between non-living things and the three subtle-components.

5.3 Living entities


The following chart shows the relationship between living entities and the three subtle-components. As you can see, life has a greater value in terms of the Sattva subtle basic component across the board as compared to even religious places as shown in the table above.


This is also one of the main reasons why the spiritual level of a person in particular premises has more impact on the overall vibrations emanating from that place as opposed to the premises itself. For example, if a person of the level of a Saint enters premises that have negative vibrations due to defects in construction, it will have negligible effect on the Saint. Thus the sciences of Feng-shui and the science of studying premises (vāstushāstra) are of more relevance to persons at lower spiritual levels or those who do not perform any spiritual practice.

6. The three subtle basic components and human beings

In the following sub-sections, we expand on how the three subtle basic components impact different aspects of our lives.

6.1 In relation to what we are comprised of

As the subtle basic Raja component is related to the functioning of the body, its proportion is the same in all the bodies. However as you can see from the table above, there is considerable difference between the Sattva and Tama components across the various bodies. This has a direct impact on the ability of the body to provide us sustainable and long lasting happiness. For example, the Sattva component in the intellect body is high compared to the physical body. Therefore the quality of the happiness we experience when we are intellectually stimulated and satisfied is of a higher quality and more lasting than happiness experienced due to the physical body.

6.2 In relation to spiritual level

Spiritual level and the proportion of the three subtle basic components are very closely interlinked. However their relationship is pretty much a chicken and egg thing. We can say that a person’s spiritual level is defined by the predominance of the Sattva, Raja and Tama components. Alternatively we can also say that the predominance of any one of the Sattva, Raja and Tama components defines a person’s spiritual level. As we do spiritual practice we begin to change the proportion of the three subtle basic components within us towards there being more proportion of the Sattva component. In other words, we change the Tama component into Sattva.
As we generate more of the Sattva component within us (in proportion to the other two subtle-components), it positively affects our spiritual level and also our personalities.
The following is a graph that shows the different proportions of the three subtle basic components within us as we increase our spiritual level through spiritual practice.
  1. After the 50% spiritual level, the proportion of the three components remains static. The reason for this is that one cannot have any less than 20% Tama. If this did happen the person would begin to dematerialise. Consequently, as long as one has a physical body the Tama component cannot be less than 20%. However the effect of the components on the person is diluted with a further rise in spiritual level, so much so that at the spiritual level of 80%, the effect of them is negligible on the person. In the next sub-section we explain this dilution in detail.
  2. As long as an evolved Saint of 100% spiritual level is within a physical body, He will be made up of the three subtle basic components. As soon as He dies and leaves His body all of the three subtle basic components become zero and the Saint merges completely with God.

1. Introduction and definition

The purpose of this article is to give our readers a strong foundation about the concept of the three subtle basic components. It is a very important article for our readers as it forms the basis of many of the articles on this website.
According to modern sciences, the Universe is made up of basic physical particles that include electrons, protons, neutrons, mesons, gluons and quarks.
At a spiritual level, however, the Universe is made up of something even more basic. These basic particles are known as the three subtle basic components (trigunās) namely Sattva, Raja and Tama. In the word triguna, "tri" stands for three and "gunās" stand for subtle-components.
The characteristics of each of these components are described in brief in the following table:
Sattva Raja Tama definitions
We call the components subtle because they are intangible, not physical in nature and they cannot be seen with any instruments such as the latest electronic microscopes. Technically advanced physical instrumentation in the future too will not be able to measure them. These three subtle basic components can only be perceived by the subtle sense organs or our sixth sense (ESP).
  • The subtle basic Sattva component is the most subtle or intangible of the three subtle basic components. It is the component nearest to divinity. Hence its predominance in a person is characterised by happiness, contentment, virtues like patience, perseverance, ability to forgive, spiritual yearning etc.
  • The subtle basic Tama component is the basest of the three. Its predominance in a person is reflected by laziness, greed, attachment to worldly matters etc.
  • The subtle basic Raja component provides fuel to the other two, i.e. brings about the action. So depending on whether a person is predominantly sāttvik or tāmasik the subtle basic Raja component will bring about actions pertaining to Sattva or Tama.
Due to the intangible nature of the subtle basic Sattva, Raja and Tama components, schools and universities that teach modern sciences are unaware that they exist. Hence they do not include them in their curriculum. As a result, the concept of the three subtle basic components may seem alien to some of us. However this does not discount the fact that they pervade our entire existence and the world we live in. Depending on which one of the three subtle-components is predominant within us, it influences how we:
  • React to situations
  • Make decisions
  • Make choices
  • Live our lives
Since they are not physical in nature, it is difficult to put a finger on them and give them a physical characteristic. Through this article, we have endeavoured to give you a sense of what these three subtle-components are about and how they influence our lives.

2. Comparison between the smallest physical elements and the three subtle basic components

The following table gives some basic differences between the smallest physical elements known to modern sciences and the even more basic subtle-components that are known to Spiritual science.

Smallest physical particle
Subtle basic components
Type Physical Subtle or intangible
How to measure? By physical instruments such as an electron microscope By our sixth sense (ESP) through the medium of our subtle-senses.
Make up All of the physical world All of creation, whether the physical, psychological or spiritual realm. The smallest physical particles are also made up of a combination of Sattva, Raja and Tama. Even our thoughts, which are intangible, are made up of the three subtle-components.
Their characteristics Influence the physical attributes of creation such as whether something is solid or fluid etc. Influence the behaviour of all of creation, the decisions and choices we make etc. However the Sattva, Raja and Tama components even affect physical attributes, e.g. the Tama component causes materialisation or solidification.

3. What do the subtle basic components look like?

The following diagram obtained through the sixth sense (ESP) shows what the three subtle basic components look like when they are active.

The three subtle basic components are basically intangible particles. When they are active, i.e. when there is energy accompanying them, they appear in a wave form.
Explanation of the diagram
  • Colour: The subtle basic Sattva component appears yellow, the subtle basic Raja component red and the subtle basic Tama component black in colour when perceived through highly active sixth sense.
  • Wavelength: The subtle basic Raja component being the most active is reflected in its wavelength, whereas the subtle basic Sattva component being more tranquil has a longer wavelength. The disorganised and distorted nature of the subtle basic Tama component is reflected in its irregular wavelength.
  • Amplitude: The amplitude of the Raja component is the highest as it is the most active. The amplitude of the subtle basic Sattva component is lower and regular, whereas that of the subtle basic Tama component is low and irregular.
  • Length: Their length is dictated according to the need of the function.

COLOURS - About Happiness

1. About Happiness

1.1 Let us start at the very beginning

It always helps to begin a quest by identifying one’s personal goal in life.
Each of us today lives such a fast paced life. One rarely takes the time to step back and view one’s life with a zoomed out perspective.
So what is your goal in life?
Have you set the short term and long term targets to achieve your goal?
Have you accomplished any of the targets that you had set?
Or has your goal changed as the years went by?

You can use these articles to introspect on your life and question its direction.
Let us try to analyse what is the primary objective of any human being’s life. If you look around, you will find that all of us look different, we come from diverse backgrounds, we have distinct personalities, yet there is one aspect common in every one of us.
The one common aspiration that links each and every human being, regardless of faith, gender and social or financial status is the desire to be happy. And in this quest our species is not alone. Every living creature, from the tiniest ant to the majestic elephant seeks happiness. Let’s take the example of an ant. It will scuttle away from a distressing situation and run to a pleasurable one. So if it comes close to fire it will flee, but will move eagerly towards a little heap of sugar.
If we think about it, don’t we all endeavour to prolong pleasurable situations? If we are not working hard to derive happiness, then we at least make attempts to avoid unpleasant situations. For example, we quickly repair the TV should it be out of order as we do not want to miss the enjoyment of watching our favourite programs.

 1.2 Reality of life

Pie chart showing percentage of happiness, unhappiness and nuetral

Spiritual research has shown that worldwide, the average human being is happy only 30% of the time, while 40% of the time he or she is unhappy. The remaining 30% of the time, a person is in a neutral state where he or she does not experience happiness or unhappiness. For example, when a person is walking on the road or doing some mundane task and not thinking happy or unhappy thoughts.
One of the contributing factors to this dilemma of more unhappiness in our lives is our educational system. The system is set up to teach students a vast array of subjects, but it does not teach students the subject of lasting happiness in its curriculum. We are not formally taught how to be happy irrespective of the situation we may face in life.
You could have a suave gentleman with an impressive business card who feels depressed and suicidal should he face some kind of financial loss. You could have a woman who is applauded at her workplace for her tremendous contribution to the growth of an organization, but who is victimized by a spouse who belittles her and plays on the fact that she feels emotionally insecure.
One studies hard and appears for many exams to get a head start in life, to get that perfect job that would ensure a comfortable lifestyle, so as to attain happiness.
But are we looking in the right direction? Does a job really ensure we are happy? Does being a family person always ensure that we are happy? As much as people would love to be happy, we find that unhappiness plagues the uneducated as much as it plagues the highly educated.
So maybe we need to explore new avenues that would give us non-stop happiness, regardless of our worldly situation.
Now some of you may be thinking, “I do not think this is for me, as I am generally a happy person.”
To that individual, we would say that these articles are for you for the following three reasons:
  • Life is in a constant state of flux. You cannot guarantee that all aspects of your life will remain constant and unchanging - such as your job situation, your financial situation, your family, etc.
  • You need to learn how to develop a technique that allows you to build great reservoirs of inner strength to face bad times, as one never knows when in life one will turn the corner and be presented with a not-so-nice life situation.
  • There is a saying, “Don’t wait to dig a well when you are thirsty, rather dig it well in advance so that when you are thirsty, you have water to drink.”

COLOURS - Spiritual Effect of Wearing the colour Black

Spiritual effect of wearing the colour black

Spiritual effect and benefit of wearing the colour white
Both drawings based on subtle-knowledge show, in isolation, the subtle-vibrations attracted and emitted by the colours black and white. The final vibrations emitted or attracted by a person is the sum of myriad factors such as spiritual level, personality defects, state of mind at that time, whether negative energies are affecting him, the type and colour of clothes, etc.

3. Reasons why we like certain colours

At a physical level: A person generally likes a certain colour because it matches his skin tone.
At a psychological level: An individual’s taste or distaste for a certain colour can change with his mood. These mood changes are often situation-based, for example:
  • According to event: People prefer to wear vibrant colours while going on outings.
  • According to the event and culture: During a funeral in some cultures, black is worn, while in others, people dress in white. Refer to the article on what colour should one wear for a funeral?
  • According to tradition: Lawyers in some countries wear black because it is a tradition to do so.
  • According to age: People in their teens and early adulthood may have a passion for pink. With advancing age the interest in this colour can wane.
  • As the colour stands for something:
    • The colour and style of clothing worn by a celebrity most often can influence the choice of attire of his fan following.
    • It is in fashion
    • People may dislike a colour by its association to a certain section of society that they dislike
At a spiritual level:
  • Due to basic nature: The most pertinent factor in why a person likes a certain colour is because it closely matches his basic nature. A sattvik person would prefer sattvik colours such as white or light blue. If the basic nature of a person is tamasik, they would prefer more tamasik colours such as black.
  • Due to the effect of negative energies: A person under the control of negative energies usually perceives good vibrations even from the colour black. All the four bodies namely physical, mental, intellectual and the subtle-ego can be spiritually impaired when an individual is possessed by negative energies. If the distress persists for a long time, the person slowly begins to lose his own identity. The character of the possessing entity comes to the fore and plays a dominant role in exercising its likes and dislikes which are reflected in the person’s behaviour. This means that the person’s consciousness gets completely controlled by the negative energy possessing him. Since the negative energy is Tama-predominant, the person also takes a liking to Tama-predominant objects such as black garments.
    Key finding through spiritual research: The trend to wear black formal wear or to wear black in our day-to-day lives has been largely instigated by negative energies which have been and continue to insidiously and subtly influence the minds of people.

    Refer to the article - What percentage of the world’s population is possessed?
    The wearing of the colour black affects people in the immediate vicinity too.  If two people are affected by negative energies and they wear black, this only assists in the exchange of subtle black energy between the two negative energies. However if there is a person who is honestly trying to make efforts in his spiritual practice in the area, he too is prone to be adversely affected by the increase in the Tama component due to another person wearing black. This is because negative energies focus their efforts on trying to dissuade people from doing serious and intense spiritual practice.
  • Due to past life impressions: If an individual was harmed by a person who was wearing green clothes in a previous birth, the individual will most likely have an aversion to the colour green in the next birth by subtle-association.
  • Change due to the level of spiritual practice: A seeker who experiences a sustained state of spiritual emotion (bhāv) may prefer the colour blue. This is because in the spiritual dimension, the subtle-colour of spiritual emotion is blue.

4. General spiritual perspective while choosing colours for clothes

The colour of clothes should be sattvik: Select sattvik colours such as white, yellow, blue and shades of these colours. There is a 1/1000 part effect of colours on an average person. This seemingly small proportion will in most cases significantly affect a person’s physical and psychological state. Notwithstanding this small proportion, wearing Sattva-Raja predominant clothes benefits a person by either:
  • complementing his Sattva-Raja personality or
  • lessening the Raja-Tama predominance in him
If a person likes wearing black, he may look for reasons or excuses to continue wearing black even after reading this article. It is strongly recommended that the use of one’s intellect in this instance will only be detrimental. This is because there is no spiritual upside to wearing black and it can only adversely affect one’s well-being.

Colour of clothes should not be gaudy: Gaudy colours have a greater predominance of the subtle Tama component. An individual wearing clothes with gaudy colours also becomes Tama-predominant over a period of time.

Clothes should be uniform in colour: Clothes with a plain, single spiritual colour, without any print or design are indicative of transparency and hence, are considered more sāttvik from a spiritual viewpoint.

Colours of clothes should be complementary to each other: If a top and a bottom with different colours are to be worn, then the colours should complement each other, that is, they should be compatible with each other to an extent of at least 20 percent. For example, a combination of two sattvik colours is spiritually more appropriate. Below are some examples of sattvik colour pairs:
  • White and pale blue
  • Pale blue and dark blue
There should not be too much of a contrast in the two colours of clothes: If two contrasting shades of colours are put together, they generate negative vibrations. Therefore there should not be too much of a contrast between the two colours. For example, avoid a combination of yellow (a sattvik colour) and green (a rajasik colour). However, a shade of green that blends well with yellow will do. This is because it has more yellow in it and hence is more sattvik.
Effect of a tuxedoAt many formal functions we see people wearing a black and white combination such as a tuxedo. The world sees this type of formal wear as the epitome of elegance and social grace. However at a spiritual level the story is very different. The subtle-vibrations from a very sattvik colour such as white and a very tamasik colour such as black actually fight each other. This fight leads to the creation of distressing vibrations which only increases the possibility of being affected by negative energies. From a spiritual perspective it is therefore not recommended to wear clothes, such as a tuxedo, with a black and white combination.

Proportion of sattvik and rajasik colours in fabric: If the proportion of sattvik and rajasik colours in a cloth is such that the proportion of the rajasik colour used is much less, then the spiritual vibrations from the cloth are better. If a white cloth has a red floral design, then good vibrations are experienced from the cloth. It means that when the percentage of the sattvik colour in the cloth is more than that of the rajasik colour, the effectiveness of the rajasik colour reduces. In short, the vibrations from the colours in a cloth depend on what percentage of sattvik and rajasik colours have been used in the cloth.

As a result of a person’s spiritual practice and after attaining a spiritual level of above 60 %, the effect of colours on his mind and intellect is minimal. This effect diminishes as a person’s spiritual level increases. However it can still affect him physically as the body is gross (tangible) and higher level negative energies can easily affect something that is in the physical realm.

5. In summary

We hope this article has provided you with an insight at a practical level to the spiritual effect of colours on your life. The basic rule of thumb to keep in mind is to increase the Sattva component in your life and reduce the Raja-Tama subtle-component in your life. By understanding and putting this spiritual principle into practice and not being swayed by any tamasik trend however popular it may be, will only add a higher level of well-being in your life.

COLOURS - How Colour affect us

1. Introduction to how colours affect us spiritually

We all make choices on a daily basis with regard to colour. An example is choosing the colour of the clothes that we will wear for the day. From time to time we may need to choose the colour of the next set of bed linen that we purchase. Sometimes we have to choose the colour of paint for the walls in our home.

Through spiritual research, we have found that depending on the colour we choose (be it clothes or our surroundings), we will be affected accordingly at a spiritual level. In this article, we share some of our spiritual research on the many ways colours affect us so that our readers are better equipped to make decisions that will enhance their lives.

2. How colours affect us spiritually?

Colours are also categorised as sāttvik, rājasik or tāmasik depending on their predominant subtle-components. Sattva stands for ‘spiritual purity’ while Raja and Tama stand for ‘action’ and ‘spiritual ignorance’ respectively. When we wear clothes that are of sattvik colours, it helps us with our spiritual practice, while colours that are Raja-Tama in nature are detrimental towards making spiritual progress. Wearing clothes that have a Raja-Tama predominance increases the negative spiritual vibrations around us. Hence we are also more likely to attract negative energies as they too are Raja-Tama predominant.

The following is a list of colours and their effect on our spiritual state. When a colour is described as being ‘Helpful’, as mentioned in the chart below, it means that the colour helps to attract spiritually positive vibrations and repel negative vibrations. ‘Harmful’ indicates the ability to attract negative vibrations whilst simultaneously alienating us from spiritually positive vibrations.

How colours affect us spiritually

As you can see from the chart above, colours such as white, yellow and blue assist in increasing the spiritual purity around us. The colour black on the other hand, has harmful vibrations which not only attract negative energies but repel any positive spiritual energy.

The two drawings based on subtle-knowledge below show the difference in spiritual vibrations between the colours white and black, when worn. In particular, the drawings based on subtle-knowledge focus on the energies that the colours attract/repel and their effect on the person wearing the colours. The drawings based on subtle-knowledge have been drawn by Ms. Priyanka Lotlikar, a seeker with an advanced sixth sense of vision. The drawings based on subtle-knowledge have been authenticated and verified by H.H. Dr. Athavale. Through spiritual research, both the drawings, depicting the spiritual vibrations of black and white were found to be 80% accurate.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

If Your Phone Number Is Helping (or Hurting) Your Career

change phone number toxic numbers
You may not be able to move your house or office location easily, but you may be able to
change your phone number without much effort. Or, if you have a numeric phone number that is not favorable for your business or career path, try to come up with an alphanumeric equivalent (using the Pythagorean calculations in Part 1) that would give you a more beneficial number.

Some phone numbers will carry an energy that is welcoming and complementary to your numerology profile…

Your phone number represents a MAJOR gateway of communication between you and the people you love and work with. Every time you give it out, or someone calls it – it’s an energy exchange… and it’s influencing your life whether you like it or not.
toxic phone numbers numerology 3Other phone numbers can be TOXIC to your life, especially when it comes to your career if the majority of your calls are work-related!

Now that you have this number, find the corresponding reading below to discover how it’s affecting your life and career!


1 is a very beneficial number for someone who is a manager, group leader, or who aspires to that role. Expect incoming phone calls from other managers and subordinates asking for information or advice. If your office or address yield 1, you can expect to host meetings, both formal and informal, in your office. You will be able to perform leadership functions efficiently and make decisions affecting you, your business and your employees.
Keywords: original, independent, aggressive, individualistic, creative, dominant; the first in a series, the start of any operation or activity, the leader, the pioneer, the boss who likes authority. “He who goes forth.”


2, being the complement to 1 (the yin to 1′s yang), provides a more passive energy. It is well suited for businesses and jobs that are in-between two other entities: like agents, diplomats, and brokers. 2 tries to bring unity through compromise, and achieving a meeting of the minds. In that context, it could be a good energy for a law office, or an administrator. Because of the receptive nature of 2, it is also a good energy for administrative assistants, secretaries and interns. If you are ambitious and desire advancement in your current job, and your phone or office number yield 2: work toward advancement by cooperation and achieving consensus among difficult coworkers. The 2 energy will help you on this path to a promotion, and relocation to a new office with a new (and hopefully more auspicious) phone number.
Keywords: adaptable, tactful, understanding, gentle, cautious; a follower rather than a leader.


3 combines the qualities of 1 and 2. The 3 energy is very enthusiastic and creative. It is ideal for someone who makes their living from their creativity: artists, graphic designers, musicians, writers, actors and other performers would do well with 3 for their number. The 3 energy is very sociable, extroverted and friendly.
Keywords: expansive, sociable, dramatic, communicative, diversified, creative


4 is stability, a 4-square consciousness, the symbol of law, systems and order. It is firmness, security, stability and conservatism. 4 is nature and relates to the earth. 4 develops a practical nature, and through self-discipline, binds itself to a conventional routine exercise of its energy. 4 is a wonderful energy for builders, contractors, and tradesmen (carpenters, plumbers and electricians), as well as for businesses that work directly with the earth, such as farms and landscape and lawn care businesses. Jobs that relate to law and order also fall under these energies, so lawyers, bureaucrats, law enforcement and judicial personnel would do well with 4 for their number. This is also an acceptable energy for bankers, stock brokers, and conservative politicians (although they would do better with 8 or 22).
Keywords: form, work, order, practicality, construction, stability, endurance, discipline


5 is freedom, change and adventure. Curiosity and constant activity produce a resourceful, adaptable and versatile energy always ready to take a chance. This is a good number for a creative professional, especially someone involved in advertising or promotion. Travel agents would also benefit from the 5 energy. For many other careers, the 5 energy tends to draw the party animals to you – either through distracting phone calls, or non-work socializing in your office. The exuberance of the 5 energy may become distracting in some job settings. If this happens to you, you will have to exhibit some self-control and start screening calls and closing your office door to visitors so you’ll be able to get your work done.
Keywords: versatility, resourcefulness, adaptability, change, activity, travel, adventure, promotion, speculation.


6 is conscientious; it desires to bring harmony, truth, justice and a sense of balance into its environment. Love and compassion are uppermost in its mind. Others are drawn to it because of the understanding which emanates from it. 6 is an ideal energy for teachers, body workers, medical offices, child care businesses, schools, social workers, counselors, and social services. 6 is a domestic and artistic vibration that adjusts to the needs of others. 6 is also gifted in the arts, and can be an auspicious number for fine artists in a number of fields. Architects that specialize in residential design would especially benefit from bringing the 6 energy into their practice.
Keywords: family and social responsibility, service, love, compassion, counselling, healing, creativity.


7 seeks answers. It tries to establish a philosophy by which to live and attempts to penetrate the mystery behind its existence which it had never questioned to this point. Because solitude is necessary for analysis, the 7 feels the need to spend time alone, away from the crowds, in touch with nature. It looks for friendship with those of an elevated consciousness that can match its own. This is not a fantastic energy for a high visibility business or practice, but it is suited to professions where discerning contact is desired. This phone will not be ringing off the hook with constant calls, and visits to the 7 office will be rare but meaningful. The person with the 7 phone will be contacted with questions, because the caller knows you have the answers they seek.
Keywords: quiet, introspective, intuitive, analytical, inspirational, reclusive, philosophical, mystical.


8 will assume power, for it now has achieved control and responsibility in its own chosen field. Recognition and financial rewards are bestowed, and expansion and growth in the business would take place. Under 8, karma is king, and you reap what you have sown. Power is the quality associated with 8. Ardor, zeal, steadfastness and the ability to see in broad terms give it the ambition and added qualities needed to achieve material goals. This number is perfect for the entrepreneur and the executive. Politicians work well with the 8 energy, as do people who work in finance: bankers, stock brokers, and so forth.
Keywords: power, responsibility, financial rewards, good judgement, recognition


9 is selflessness and compassion. 9 is ready to give back to the universe some measure of what it has learned through the eight previous steps of the cycle. The law of cyclicity allows for no waste, and demands input for output. When this is done willingly, the completion experienced under 9 brings only joy at the gift of life and the freedom with which to enter the next cycle unencumbered. The fact that the 9 energy encompasses endings makes it a problematical number in a work context. The 9 energy seems to attract pink slips and layoffs, especially if it’s associated with an office number. It would be best suited for non-profit work; work that promotes tolerance and compassion. Charities would benefit from this energy. The spiritual aspect of the 9 energy is also well suited to religious organizations, as well as work that involves death: life insurance, cemeteries and funeral homes.
Keywords: love, compassion, patience, universality, tolerance, selfless service, endings.


11 is the first Master Number, a higher vibration of 2. Its keywords are altruism and community. It is one of the most difficult vibrations because the demand for high standards is constant. 11 is an esoteric master number of spiritual import. It bestows courage, power and talent with strong feelings of leadership. This is a difficult energy to handle: sometimes you may feel overwhelmed with the amount and nature of issues that come to you over the phone, or through your office door. If you can remember that true mastery is service, and remain modest in the face of fame and recognition, you will be able to deal with whatever comes your way.
Keywords: altruism, community, spiritual revelation, idealism, emotionalism, future vision.


22 is the second Master Number, a higher vibration of 4. 22 gives the promise of success. 22 wants to accomplish big things in a big way, preferably with a lot of people, as in dealings with a big corporation. Great at taking ideas and putting them to practical use. This is a fantastic number for entrepreneurs, aspiring executives and politicians, and people who have to deal with large projects or groups. It is also auspicious for large construction companies, and civil engineers and architects: people who design and build skyscrapers, bridges, roads, and other large, public-works projects.
Keywords: Master extrovert, power on both planes, financial stability, complete control


33 is the third Master Number, a higher vibration n of 6. The need to serve and protect others is very strong. 33 is auspicious for people working with nature, including forestry, environmental advocacy, and large-scale agriculture; the arts – music, painting or literature; doctors and other healthcare professionals; or law and justice, including lawyers, policemen, judges, and lawmakers.
Keywords: Responsibility, self-sacrifice, courage, Master Teacher, worldly success, skill and fame, perfect relationships


44 is the fourth and final Master Number, a higher vibration of 8. As such, the 44 energy can bring you rewards for your efforts in any field of endeavor. If you have been productive, you can expect an increase in status and finances. If you have not been giving it your “best shot,” you may receive unwanted and restricting burdens instead. It may be time for a change in office location, phone number, or even your job or career.
Keywords: Karma, re-evaluation, opportunity

Does This Apply To Other Numbers?

Remember, these readings don’t just apply to your phone number. Use the same calculations to find the numerological number for your office address, employee number, or any other sequence of digits you see on a daily basis! Then refer back to these readings.

What To Do If Your Phone Number Is Toxic

If changing your phone number is just not an option, consciously try to bring more complementary numbers into your career environment! Maybe you can change your parking space number, or license plate, or focus on the positive numbers when they appear. Remember, attention goes where energy flows!

Many blessings,
The Numerologist Team

P.S. I hope you found this blog series helpful! Leave your comments below and please share with your friends and colleagues!


Take This Fun Quiz, And In Just One Minute You’ll Know Exactly How Intuitive You Are!

You can use your intuition to make important decisions, avoid danger, start a new career, improve your health, find your soul mate, and even realise your lifetime dreams. Take this quick one minute quiz and discover how intuitive you are right now.

When you meet someone for the first time, can you instantly tell if they can be trusted?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
How often do you make right decisions based on a quick gut check?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes 
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
While negotiating, are you easily persuaded by others to their ideas?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
How often can you spot if someone is lying?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
In an argument with your spouse, are you able to listen to your feeling so you won't say anything hurtful that you'll regret later?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
At times of physical uneasiness, are you able to listen to what your body is trying to say so you know the real reason for it?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
Do you randomly get flashes of ideas in your dreams that solves major problems in your life?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
When purchasing something, how certain are you that it's a wise decision?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
Are you confident enough to freely and bravely act on your gut instincts?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
Are you able to feel if something is going wrong with someone or something in your life?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
Have you had déjà vu experiences where you sensed something in advance of it happening?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  
Do you know exactly what you want and what you don't want in life?

  1. Always  
  2. Sometimes  
  1. Rarely  
  2. Never  

16 Affirmations to Turbocharge Your Intuition

Be perfectly honest without yourself right now…. Could your intuition use a little jumpstart?

Even if you’re committed to living an intuitive life, sometimes your intuition isn’t quite as vivid as it could be. It leaves you feeling directionless or disconnected.
Right now is the perfect moment to charge up your intuition so you can feel guided, inspired, and connected to your life’s purpose.

How your intuition works:

Your intuition (your inner vision or psychic ability) is connected to the 6th chakra in your subtle energy system. It’s known as your third eye.
When you charge up this energetic center in your body, you amplify your personal intuition. As you do, you may feel like you’re opening your eyes.

How affirmations work:

Affirmations are statements of intent.
They focus your attention and your energy on the experience you want. If you want vivid intuition, psychic ability, and connection to your inner vision, these affirmations will support you in creating that experience.
Say these out loud. Post them in a place where they’ll remind you daily. Repeat them until they become part of you.

1. I am intuitive.

This affirmation might seem a little basic. But I promise it’s the perfect place to start, particularly if you’ve felt disconnected from your intuition before, or worried that you don’t have intuition at all. (That’s a myth, by the way!) Stating the truth of your intuitive power is a great way to get connected to it.

2. I am knowing.

When your intuition is charged up, you know things. Not just facts. You know what to do, even though it might not necessarily make sense for you to know. If you want that experience, tell yourself you already have it.

3. I am psychic.

I believe everyone is psychic. Do you believe YOU are psychic? You are. By claiming that you are, you set yourself up to trust your psychic hits, rather than questioning yourself.

4. I am alive in the now.

Your intuitive power gets clouded when you dwell on the regrets of the past or the worries of the future. TODAY is the time to practice your gift of intuition.

5. I am connected to my own inner vision.

Another word for intuition is insight. It’s an inner sight, an inner vision. In the way physical eyes help people see their physical world, your inner sight can help you see your life’s purpose.

6. My inner vision is strong.

If your intuition has ever felt vague, or just out of reach, you want to affirm to yourself that it’s capable of being strong.

7. I am having strong instincts from my intuitive self.

Your intellect makes decisions based on what’s already known—your past story. Your intuitive self (your expanded, soul self) works with the unknown. Use this affirmation to remember to pay attention to supportive information that comes from within.

8. I am listening to my intuitive self.

Your intuition can battle with your intellect. Start training your intellect to hear your intuition and consider the messages it sends.

9. My intuition can be trusted.

You might hear your intuition, but then doubt it. Do one thing today that you feel inspired to and trust that it will be for your good.

10. I am trusting and acting.

When your intuition is vibrant, you act with confidence based on your inner knowing. Your intuition is a constant guide that you trust. This is a great affirmation to use if you question yourself excessively.

11. I am connected to my true path and purpose.

What your intuition will tell you is connected to your higher life’s purpose. Always.

12. I am true to myself.

Your intuition will never tell you to be something you’re not. Your life’s purpose will not be contradictory to your core self. Trust that your intuitive self has a strong sense of your own inner truth. Listen to it.

13. I have unlimited possibilities.

The limits on your success are placed there by your thinking mind and your past stories—never by your intuition. If you ever hear yourself saying, “I’d love to do that, but I can’t,” you can be sure your intuition isn’t the one talking.

14. I am seeing the possibilities and bringing them into my reality.

The intuition can see futures that don’t yet exist in the physical realm. If you’re listening and trusting your inner vision, you will act on intuitive hits that create outcomes you couldn’t have just thought your way through.

15. I am connected to my amazing potential futures.

Your future is beautiful, awesome, and inviting. It’s going to support you. So think of it that way. Think of your future as supportive, fabulous, and abundant. Then shine the light of your intuition into your future to see your way forward.

16. I am clear.

Imagine a pair of smudged glasses. You could see through them, but not as well as you could if you cleaned them. Close your eyes and visualize yourself cleaning the lens of your third eye.
See your life come into focus.
Above all, invite (don’t struggle for) your intuition.
Being connected to your intuition is such a natural, satisfying experience. So if you’re closed off from it, you can feel directionless, or even desperate to reconnect with it. You might even try to think your way into being intuitive, which just sets you up for struggle.

Use these affirmations to invite the intuitive experience you want. Then take a deep breath and allow it to show up. Trust that it will.