Friday, August 27, 2010

Numerology Lesson 11 - The Intensification of Numbers

Numerology Lesson 11 - The Intensification of Numbers

This Numerology lesson details the averages of numbers found within a name. The Intensification of Numbers can point to areas where we can learn more about ourselves. Knowing this information can help us round out our natures. It can also help us gain a greater sense of self-definition, point us to areas where we can grow, and help us develop inner strengths.
We feel that a person's individual nature can not be separated from the whole. We are one collective, so to speak, of human beings. Let's once again use the metaphor of music. Each of us has our own set of individual tones (numbers). When we combine each tone together, we can hear our personal song (all of our numbers blended into a whole). In the same way, we can combine each individual person's song and come up with one universal song which reflects the entire collective of human beings. Imagining this metaphor will help you understand the Intensification of Numbers.
As we examine the collective human race, we find that certain tones (numbers) are more expressed than others. Subsequently, other tones or numbers make up less of the whole. We'll be using the word "average" to express this concept.
It is also possible to see where we may have a 'Hidden Passion' or possible 'Karmic Lesson.' As the excessive numbers often reveal a deep seated passion, and the missing numbers can point to a Karmic Lesson.

The General Rules

The following illustrates averages of the numbers 1 - 9 found within a name. The numbers 1, 5 and 9 are found most often. Here's a summary of each number as expressed collectively:
1 - We all have free will and initiative to create our place within the world. This has given us initiative to grow and expand as a race of beings as well as individuals.
5 - We have a strong desire for freedom and are curious about what is new and innovative. Through the 5 we progress, develop, and expand our sense of possibility.
9 - We are resilient even when life brings us difficulties or tragedy. We move into our hearts to help, love, and forgive.
The numbers 2, 3, and 4 are usually only found once within a name.
Sometimes the 3 will be repeated because of the desire for creativity and self-expression.
Because these three vibrations usually only appear once, they are doubled in force if found more than once.
The number 7 may be missing.
In the collective of human nature, the discrimination, analysis, and perfection that a 7 carries is not as frequent as the numbers listed above.
In many names the 7 may not even be represented. Because of averages, if the 7 is missing it is not significant.
If a 7 does occur, it gives a desire to prove, reason, and understand the motives that are behind any event.
The number 8 may also be missing.
It is common for a successful person to lack this number.
If it appears once you will know this person can work under stressful situations.
If there are too many 8's, the person may put themselves through a lot of pressure, mental challenge, and possibly achieve great attainments because of the incredible effort.

Benefits of Understanding Intensification

The Intensification of Numbers within the name are felt deep within the character. They may not show on the surface as the Core Numbers do. However, it is useful to understand these energies since they help us gain insight in several ways:
  1. They help us to understand why we may repeat patterns.
  2. They point to areas where we may feel an inner void, or have a karmic lesson.
  3. They point to areas where we may lack experience or development from previous lives.
  4. They may show us why we rely on certain skills.
  5. They may show us where we obsess or perhaps where we have a hidden passion eager for more room to express.

Number Average Chart

The following chart shows what usually occurs in a name:
Usually occurs three or four times three or four
2 BKT Usually occurs once one
3 CLU Usually occurs once one
4 DMV Usually occurs once one
5 ENW Usually occurs three or four times three or four
6 FOX Usually occurs once one
7 GPY May be missing zero
8 HQZ Usually occurs once or be missing zero or one
9 IR Usually occurs three times three

How to Fill Out the Chart

We have prepared a blank chart that you can print out that will make it easy for you to create your own Intensification of Numbers chart like the one below. Please click here to go to that page and print out the blank chart. Hopefully you have a printer available. If not, just reproduce it on a piece of paper. Then return back to this spot to continue your learning.
Here are the steps:
  1. In the first row, write down on the chart the first, middle, and last name of the person whose chart you are calculating.
  2. In the next row, look up and write down the number that corresponds to each letter in the first, middle, and last names.
  3. In the "Core" column, write "Yes" in front of any number that is also one of the Core Numbers and place it's abbreviation after the "Yes". Here's the legend of abbreviations:
LP - Life Path LP - Life Path (Birth Day is included in the Birth Force)
E - Expression E - Expression
HD - Heart's Desire HD - Heart's Desire
P - Personality P - Personality
  1. In the  "+ or -" column, place a plus or minus sign after the numbers where there is a difference from the averages. Use a plus for more and a minus for less.
  2. Now note the relationship with the average. For example, two 4's would have a greater significance than four 9's. Look for the "Key Modifier" (also called the "Intensifier" in Numerology). This is the one number that has the most excessive energy available and stands out the most in relationship to the average. You can write the word "Key" after the plus. To illustrate we highlighted the Key Modifier by color on our chart.
  3. Next, look for whatever number(s) are void. If it is any number other than 7, place a minus next to it.
  4. Note if the void number(s) are also within the Core Number. If so, the effect is lessened. If the void energy is not found as a Core Number, place the word "Key" after it as well.

Explanation of Meaning

Where excess energy exists, we will use the energy to achieve, grow, and acquire in relationship to the number. If we find areas that are void, be assured that we want to round out our character and attain life lessons in these areas. Some Numerologists feel a voided number is a karmic area or one that we may have avoided in previous lives for some reason or another. It may be that experiences were not available to us and we are now wishing to add knowledge during this life.

Learning Example

For this lesson we will again use the name Barbara Ann Kelly as our example. Follow along as we interpret the chart.
Ann Kelly
  2192191 155 25337
Core Amount + or - Number Letter Average
Yes - LP 4
three or four
Yes - E 3 + Key 2 BKT one

2 + 3 CLU one
Yes - P 0 - 4 DMV one

5 ENW three or four

0 - 6 FOX one
Yes - HD 1 + 7 GPY zero

8 HQZ zero or one

2 - 9 IR three

Let's start by noting which numbers are in excess (+ sign in the "+ or -" column) of the averages:
  1. 1 - She has four occurrence's of the number 1 which is slightly in excess of the low end of the three or four average. However, all of the 1's bridge to her 1 Life Path and strengthen it.
  2. 2 - She has three occurrences of the number 2 which is way above the average of one and makes 2 her Key Modifier. But just as above, this "excessive" number is her Expression and one of her Core Numbers. Therefore the 2 bridges to her 11/2 Expression and strengthens the qualities found there. What may be excessive compared to the averages is actually another strengthening force for Barbara.
  3. 3-She has two occurrences of the number 3 which is one above average. This would tell us that she would add a quality of lightness to events and surroundings within her life. This may show up as humor, or possibly a joyful nature added to her spirit.
  4. 7 - She has one occurrence of the number 7 which is higher than the average of zero. However, once again the 7 bridges to her 7 Heart's Desire and strengthens it as well.
So, three of her Core Numbers are found in excess in the Intensification of Numbers Chart but all numbers appear to be supportive. Remember, "excessive" does not mean "bad".
Now we want to look at the energies that are void. Here we see that the 4 and 6 stand out. As we mentioned in "The General Rules" above, the 8 is sometimes found as missing in a name:
  1. 4 - She has zero occurrences of the number 4 which is one below the average of one. The 4 is also one of her Core Numbers, so she has some experience with it. However, with the 4 missing in her name and it being the Personality vibration, she may have some additional lessons here. Possibly she has to learn how to apply herself in ways that would fulfill her, rather than being busy taking care of everyone else. The reason for interpreting the 4 this way is that the zero (void of energy) points us to lessons about application and duty. Because the 4 is a Core Number and is placed on her Personality, it relates to how others see her and how they may try to direct her.
  2. 6 - She has zero occurrences of the number 6 which is one below the average of one. It's possible that Barbara may attract opportunities to help her learn how to balance responsibility. She may have the challenge of taking on too much responsibility for others or becoming confused about taking action on her own behalf. The 6 also points to creativity, relationships, and humanitarian endeavors. So she may have some added lessons in these areas.
  3. 8 - The 8 is borderline and often does not occur within a person's name. Therefore, we have not included it in our interpretation.
We feel that the intensification modifiers are really a lot like road signs. Unlike the Core Numbers that make up our nature, the intensification modifiers point us to areas that we know will be examined throughout our life as lessons. Whether in excess or void we are pointed in the direction of improving the qualities of our nature.

Numerology Home Play

  1. Get your pen and pad out and refer back to the names with which you have previously been working.
  2. Use the blank Intensification of Numbers Chart you printed or created and follow the seven steps detailed above in "How to Fill Out the Chart".
  3. Note which numbers are in excess of the averages.
  4. Note which numbers are void.
  5. Note the single Key Modifier for the excess energy and what lessons may be encountered by its presence.
  6. Note the numbers that are void and what lessons may be encountered by the lack of their presence. Remember to notice the relationship with the Core Numbers.

Numerology Lesson 13 - The Habit Challenge

Numerology Lesson 13 - The Habit Challenge

In the last three Numerology lessons, we discussed several Key Modifiers that influence the Core Elements found in a Numerology chart. This Numerology lesson features a trait we call the "Habit Challenge". Some Numerologists refer to this aspect as the "Point of Security". Both names describe the nature of this aspect quite well. Although it is not exactly a modifier of Core Elements, the Habit Challenge does influence the flow of energy available to them.

Have you ever felt a habit or a repeated pattern that was hard to identify? No matter how aware of the pattern you became, it continued to occur over and over? Your Habit Challenge may shed some light on this subject. The Habit Challenge is just what is sounds like--a habit we feel challenged by which is usually negative. Because all numbers have a polarity as well as a balanced state, the Habit Challenge is usually experienced as an extreme (under-balanced or over-balanced) rather than a balanced vibration. Our challenge is to learn how to balance its influence. This trait then becomes positive and empowering.

Often stress, confusion, and insecurity are energies that create the reactions found in the Habit Challenge. When a person becomes aware of the reactions, they can choose to bring the extremes into a nurturing and balanced state. Like all vibrations that exist within an individual chart, synergy can enhance the individual parts.

Habit Challenge Chart

Determining a Habit Challenge is quite simple. It is the total letters in a name added together. In other words, rather than adding the value of each letter, like in previous lessons, we add the total number of letters together and reduce them to one single digit.

Barbara Ann Kelly
7 letters 3 letters 5 letters
7 + 3 + 5 = 15
1 + 5 = 6 Habit Challenge

Chart Interpretation

In Barbara's case we find a 6 for her Habit Challenge. We can speculate that Barbara may vacillate between the under-balanced and over-balanced aspects of the 6, attempting to balance them. She may become over-attached to her home, family, and environment. So much so that she finds it hard to extend herself beyond her familiar environment. She could also find herself giving advice, living her dreams through others, or perhaps becoming over-responsible. Another trait of an under-balanced 6 could be avoiding responsibility involving others and perhaps failing to keep appointments or obligations. When balanced a 6 Habit Challenge can become a very creative and resourceful asset to have.

For ease, we created possible descriptions for each number. You may want to add to our descriptions. As creative beings, there are many possible Habit Challenge expressions. We listed a few to help you along. Have fun and see what other possible expressions you come up with.

Possible Habit Challenge Responses

During this course we've asked you to use your intuition regarding how a given number would express as under-balanced or over-balanced. We'll now present some specific examples for each number. Although we are presenting these descriptions in relationship to the Habit Challenge, they are not restricted to this subject alone. The following descriptions apply to each of the numbers in context, including the Core Elements. Refer to Numerology Lesson One for the balanced descriptions.

1 Habit Challenge - Leadership:
  • Under-balanced - insecure, dependent, passive
  • Over-balanced - bossy, opinionated, dominating
When acting in an under-balanced way, the 1 may respond in a procrastinating manner, be indecisive, and act in vacillating ways. The 1's natural assertive nature could become over-balanced and result in a response that is bossy, impatient, stubborn, impulsive, and over-attached to ones own beliefs.

2 Habit Challenge - Peacemaking:
  • Under-balanced - indecisive, dependent, uncertain
  • Over-balanced - oversensitive, disapproving, unsupportive
As an under-balanced response, it may be hard to maintain a sense of identity because of a desire to please. The 2 as an over-balanced response may become fussy over little things and caught up in details.

3 Habit Challenge - Expression:
  • Under-balanced - unfocused, vacillating, anxious
  • Over-balanced - exaggerating, gossipy, lacking in concentration
As an under-balanced habit it can exaggerate, become self indulgent, and be without direction. A 3 is creative and expressive so when it becomes an over-balanced response it can lead to scattered energies, starting many tasks, and finding it hard to focus.

4 Habit Challenge - Form:
  • Under-balanced - disorganized, narrow, uncertain
  • Over-balanced - headstrong, limited, antagonistic
A 4, as an under-balanced response can expect a lot of others and fail to commit itself. When over-balanced, it can become too serious and careful, often creating opposition. In addition, it could become so attached to methods that it forgets to see the big picture, getting caught up in details.

5 Habit Challenge - Freedom:
  • Under-balanced - non progressive, cautious, doubtful
  • Over-balanced - erratic, impulsive, careless
The 5 could respond in an under-balanced way by escaping reality through indulgent means. With an over-balance response there could be a possibility of changing directions too often before results are evident. This instability could effect relationships and career.

6 Habit Challenge - Responsibility:
  • Under-balanced - distant, self seeking, unorganized
  • Over-balanced - discontent, overemotional, over-responsible
When the 6 is under-balanced, its response may be to avoid responsibility involving others, perhaps failing to keep appointments or obligations. The 6 Habit Challenge can become very attached to its home, family, and environment. When it becomes over-balanced, it may live through others or possibly desire to give unsolicited advice.

7 Habit Challenge - Individuality:
  • Under-balanced - disregarded, superficial, undeveloped
  • Over-balanced - resentful, hypercritical, secretive
If responding in an under-balanced expression, it can act in over-analytical and critical ways and can even become cut off from its own deep feelings. An over-balanced response can become very detached, shut people out, and hold onto resentments.

8 Habit Challenge - Manifestation:
  • Under-balanced - powerless, impoverished, undisciplined
  • Over-balanced - tactless, pushy, possessive
When under-balanced, material success and motivation may be lacking. When an 8 becomes over-balanced, it may take its effective work characteristics into friendships and home life. In addition, intimidation and manipulation may become a way of attaining results as well as trying to do everything and forgetting to delegate.

9 Habit Challenge - Compassion:
  • Under-balanced - passionless, oppressive, aloof
  • Over-balanced - unaccountable, impractical, dreamer
If expressing in an under-balanced way, it can be somewhat cold or detached, feeling that it is being broad-minded. In addition, it can become a jack of all trades and master of none. The 9 can become moody and filled with ups and downs. Over-balance can be expressed as too dreamy and impractical or too generous for its own good.

A Note On Master Numbers - Both 11/2 and 22/4 can be read as either their master vibration of their digited down vibration. Master vibrations represent a much higher frequency. When a 11/2 or 22/4 cannot hold the higher frequency, they will revert to either a 2 or a 4 respectively. So, also refer to the under-balanced and over-balanced aspects of the 2 and the 4 when analyzing the 11/2 and 22/4.

11/2 Habit Challenge - Illumination:
  • Under-balanced - aimless, fearful of psychic abilities, submissive
  • Over-balanced - extreme nervousness, misguided, obsessed
22/4 Habit Challenge - Master Builder:
  • Under-balanced - lethargic, spiritless, inactive
  • Over-balanced - extreme tension, overwhelmed, controlling
The purpose of pointing out the under-balanced and over-balanced traits that may occur from a Habit Challenge, is to help identify possible patterns. Once identified, an individual can become conscious and work towards balancing the negative traits into a positive and creative response rather than a reactive one. We have found that once the Habit Challenge is embraced, it can them be balanced and brought into an energy which can be an impetus for success.

When working with the Habit Challenge, also pay attention to the other Core Element numbers. The Habit Challenge may be easier to balance if it has harmonious energies to help it along. If other Core Elements are Discordant, the Habit Challenge may be a little more difficult to direct into a positive and balanced resource.

Numerology Lesson 14 - The Maturity Number

Calculating the Maturity Number
It is quite simple to find out what your Maturity Number is. Add your Life Path Number (Lesson 4) and Your Expression Number (Lesson 6) together.

Next, reduce these two numbers to a single digit. Remember if you find the Master Numbers of either 11 or 22, there is no need to reduce them to a single digit. However, you do have the choice of embracing the opportunities found in the 11 or the 2 if an 11 is your Maturity Number. If you have the Master Number 22, you can embrace the 22 or the 4. As mentioned in previous lessons, when we have a Master Number for a final digit, it is sometimes difficult to remain at the high vibration that exists with in the Master Number. In these cases it is quite perfect to identify with the other number.

Life Path Chart
November 26th 1953
11 is 11/2 2 + 6 = 8 1 + 9 + 5 + 3 = 18
11/2 (Master Number) 8 (already one digit) 1 + 8 = 9
11/2 + 8 + 9 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
1 + 0 = 1 Life Path

The Expression Chart
2 1 9 2 1 9 1
1 5 5
2 5 3 3 7
25/7 11/2 20/2
First Name: 7 Middle Name: 11/2 Last Name: 2
25 + 11 + 20 = 56
5 + 6 = 11/2 Expression

The Maturity Chart

The Maturity Number
1 Birth Force 11/2 Destiny
1 + 11 = 12
1 + 2 = 3 Maturity Number

Numerology Chart Interpretation

Since we know Barbara's age (you always do as a Numerologist!), we can tell that the influence of the Maturity Number is already present. She may even be wondering where she can find new directions for opportunity, growth, and satisfaction in her life. In addition, she may be wondering what lies ahead for her latter years.

Knowing that she has a 3 Maturity Number should give her much encouragement. It wants to bring qualities of joy, creativity, and pleasure throughout her latter years. This Maturity Number wishes to lighten up her life. If she has felt burdened or that complexities have kept her from feeling free, this vibration surely wants to simplify her life and point her in a direction of what really matters! We have a feeling that life will present her with opportunities to embrace some of the simper joys of living. More expression wants to come into her life-- more play, friends, and creative outlets. She may have to watch to not scatter her energies, but by the time a person expresses their Maturity Number, they usually have learned how to balance the energies found within the numbers.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Numerology Lesson 15 - The Personal Year

In previous Numerology lessons we learned the essentials that describe our character, motivations, and opportunities. Now let's go one step further and find out how one's individual nature is effected by the timing of events and cyclic influences that exist in a Numerology Chart. In Numerology there are two types of Cyclic Vibrations:
  1. Key Cyclic Vibrations
  2. Personal Cyclic Vibrations
Through the next several lessons these various vibrations will be the topic of discussion. In this lesson we feature the Personal Cyclic Vibration of the Personal Year. Since the Personal Month and Personal Day are part of the Personal Year, we'll show you how to calculate them as well.

The Personal Year is a vibration that you can immediately recognize and receive benefit from. Have you ever noticed how during some years you felt very restless and eager to begin new undertakings? Or that in other years you felt quite content to stay at home, work on your environment, and focus on your family. Then again, some years you might have felt like you were letting go of much with which you previously identified and that you felt anticipation about the future. What we are describing is the influence that The Personal Year can have on you. We really do create our lives with a certain rhythm and there are optimal times to initiate new tasks.

The Personal Year's rhythm is based on the vibrations of 1 - 9. The Personal Year is the most illuminating when you are facing a decision or wanting to know the probability of certain events. Each year you work through one of the nine Personal Years since the Personal Years run concurrently. They start on January 1st and continue through Dec 31st. At the end of the year you begin the next Personal Year. For example, if you are in a 9 Personal Year this year, on January 1st you will enter a 1 Personal Year.

Just as we have an individual Personal Year vibration, there is also a Universal Year that describes the general planetary vibration during the entire year. The Universal Year runs with our calendar year. It is quite simple to calculate:
  • Add the numbers of the current year
  • Reduce them to a single digit from 1 to 9
Sometimes in a 2 year the Master Number of 11 will be present. Be sure and add correctly to make sure you get the correct number. The same is true in a 4 personal year, the Master Number of 22 may be present.

Universal Year Chart

Using the Year of 1999 for our example:
1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 28
2 + 8 = 1 Universal Year

Using the Year 2000 as our example:
2 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 2
2 Universal Year

Personal Year Chart

Now that we know the Universal Year, we are ready to calculate our Personal Year. To figure out what your Personal Year is, add your month and day of birth to the Universal Year.
Birth Month + Day of Birth + Universal Year = Personal Year

Personal Year Vibrations

The Personal Year embraces each number's individual qualities and applies them as the energy needed to initiate, cultivate, expand, progress, and eventually reap the rewards of a cycle of experience. The individual energies within each number express themselves in a natural organic rhythm that cultivates human potential and growth. To refresh your memory Numerology Lesson One describes the numbers in greater detail.

It makes sense that a 1 would lead our experience and a 9 would conclude, holding within it the knowledge, compassion, and understanding gained from a full cycle of experience. Once we conclude a full cycle through the 9 Personal Years, we start all over again. The following definitions will give you some guidance in how to apply each number's energies to the direction contained in a Personal Year.

1 Personal Year
This is a new beginning time. Embrace courage, openness, and initiate new ideas. Energy is behind you supporting new directions, self definition, and new ideas. Follow your dreams and begin cultivating what really motivates you. It is not a time to wait around as you could miss out on what this year has to offer. You really are setting the pace for the next nine years.

2 Personal Year
This year requires cooperation, patience, and continued development of what you began last year. Time is needed to put everything into motion. Continue to focus on your motivations and step by step progress so that what you began last year can further develop. Relationships are also an area of focus throughout the year.

3 Personal Year
This year wants to expand your life and focus. It brings increased activity and recognition. Enthusiasm moves into the picture. You may find yourself quite busy with more social interaction. Seeds can be planted in the hearts and minds of those around you. If you become confused by too many directions, pick the one that excites you the most. Expression and Creativity are highlighted.

4 Personal Year
Organization is key in this year including continued development and focus. You may feel a little restricted in some ways but keep in mind the reward ahead from you efforts. This is a foundation year and asks you to finish details where continued support is needed.

5 Personal Year
This year promises rewards and progress from what you developed the previous four years. Often opportunities come your way to advance in various directions. The year asks for flexibility, and may bring some risks, but rewards are what the year wishes to bring. Sometimes relationships at a distance and travel are highlighted.

6 Personal Year
Relationships with family, friends, and co-workers is key this year. The spotlight shines more on domestic matters. Love interests are often highlighted as well as the passion that connects us to our creativity. There is also a focus on self-love, connection, and nurturing.

7 Personal Year
This is somewhat of a sabbatical time. Much is gained through reflection and personal refinement. You may want to ask yourself some important questions like what your Life Purpose is and what you want your life to be like. It is a time for seeking a deeper understanding into your inner nature. Solitude is often needed in order to quiet your mind and get in touch with what really matters to you.

8 Personal Year
After the reflection of last year, it is time to move from the inner world into the outer world and manifest in greater ways what you have been working toward during the last seven years. Material issues, career, and worldly accomplishments come to the forefront. Organization is again important and monetary gain is possible.

9 Personal Year
Much like the 7 Personal Year the 9 invites you to pay special attention to your inner world. You have graduated from a cycle of experience. It is a time for completing many areas of experience so that you can move freely into the next cycle ahead without carrying forward outgrown or unneeded baggage. There is a letting go of the old as anticipation of future possibilities exists within you. Gratefulness and compassion are especially important at this time.

11 Personal Year
Unless Master Numbers are noted in the Core Aspects of the individual's chart, the 11 Personal Year is usually approached as a 2 Personal Year. In the case where the 11 is embraced, it would benefit an individual to utilize their intuitive, spiritual, and inspirational talents to direct their affairs. Contribution to humanity and inspiring others is usually part of the agenda.

22 Personal Year
Again, unless Master Numbers are evident in the Core Aspects of an individual's chart, it is quite difficult to approach the year as a 22 would indicate. Therefore, the 4 would direct the energies. If the 22 is embraced, you can expect much to be accomplished since this Master Number wants to create on a large scale. Like the 11, the 22 requires a certain devotion to the well-being of others and the goodness of humanity. A universal approach is necessary to fully engage in this Master Number vibration.

Personal Year Example

November 26th + Current Universal Year
11 + 2 6 + 1999
11 + 8 + 1 = 20/2 Personal Year
Using the example of Barbara's Birthday, we note that she is in a 2 Personal Year. By referring to the Personal Year descriptions, we know that she is in her second year of a new cycle which began last year. The best way to direct energies this year is to further develop the ideas that she aspired to last year. Patience and time are her tools along with the cooperation of others. A 2 Personal Year also highlights friendships and relationships. When doing a chart, always note when the Personal Year corresponds with a Core Element or any other major element. Because Barbara's Destiny is an 11/2, this year may further her along with opportunities that are part of her most beneficial life experiences. This is a splendid time to enjoy a more relaxed pace. The 3 Personal Year that follows will certainly pick up the pace!

Personal Months and Personal Days
Within our Personal Year we also have Personal Months and Personal Days. A Personal Month or Personal Day is similar in vibration, however its meaning is tailored to the actions of the particular number represented for the month or day. In other words, you would apply the same qualities that are noted in the examples previously mentioned to a monthly or daily experience.

Personal Month Chart
It is simple to calculate your Personal Month. Now that you know what your Personal Year is, add it to the current month and you have your Personal Month vibration. We will use the month of May and Barbara's Personal Year for our example.

May + 2 Personal Year
5 + 2 = 7 Personal Month

Because Barbara is in a 7 Personal Month in May, we know that the month requires deeper reflection and analysis to further her along in her 2 Personal Year. During the month of May, refining ideas and projects, continued personal development, and educating herself in areas that represent her goals will add to the development of her 2 Personal Year and this cycle of her life.

Personal Day Chart

Each day of the month has its own Personal Day vibration for each individual. To find a Personal Day, add the Personal Month to the calendar day in question. Again using Barbara for an example, and the random date of May 13th, we would find her in an 11 Personal Day. Remember to apply the Master Number comments above.

Personal Month + Current Day Digit
7 Personal Month + (Current Day = Example: May 13th) 13/4 = 11 Personal Day

This day is a good one for spiritual pursuit and self care. It is also a grand day to pay attention to intuition and creativity. Perhaps an opportunity will present itself to help a friend or share a delightful experience. It could also be a day that requires a little patience in some ways, because it is a more internal day than one that is externally demanding.

The vibration found in your Personal Day can help you determine when it is a good time to initiate a direction, sleep in and take it easy, help others, travel, rest, study, etc. Of course,  planning our life wholly by what is represented in the Personal Days isn't realistic. However, we can get a good idea of how our energy might flow each day and how to best utilize the energies available.


Firstly, note and pay attention to your Personal Year. The force of the year is best realized in the months between March and September. September is the month where the Personal Year will be most evident. Why? Because September is a 9 (the 9th month) and when you add 9 to any other number, it will always digit back down to the other number. Check it out! Therefore, September will mirror the vibration of whatever Personal Year you are in. Then the last three months of each year begin to prepare you for the coming new year.

Secondly, note your current Personal Month. This will help you plan and time various stages throughout the year. Lastly, note your Personal Day. For example, on some days you will need extra time to reflect throughout the day, where other days you will feel eager to accomplish and get things done.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Numerology Lesson 18-The Life Path Periods

Numerology Lesson 18 - The Life Path Periods

In this Numerology lesson, we will discuss the last of the Key Cyclic Vibrations known as the Life Path Periods. Do not confuse this term with the core Life Path number. Instead these are Life Path Periods which are experienced in three stages throughout life and represent a broader range of influence than the other Key Cyclic Vibrations. Their presence brings a rather global influence and effects our individual natures in a less specific way. Whatever Life Path Period a person is in, they can learn from what the energies present and have to offer. Their influence helps to develop the character of the number within the person. 
First Life Path Period
The first Life Path Period begins at birth. This developmental period runs through youth and young adulthood. This first period is a part of life that usually includes one's school years and young adult work experiences. What a person learns during this period lays a foundation for the next Life Path Period.

Second Life Path Period
The second Life Path Period is our most productive time of life and spans our middle years. During this middle period, the energy present typically touches our family life, career, and other areas of daily life. As we grow and experience life, the knowledge developed from our experiences influence this second Life Path Period and are available to us in later years.

Third Life Path Period
The third Life Path Period is a time for integrating knowledge and wisdom. This period builds upon the growth and development of the first two Life Path Periods. It is a time for reflection and releasing any left over struggles or concerns.

A Numerological Allegory
Once there was a traveler who was born--just like all souls--with a mission. From the moment of her birth, a seed was planted deep within her being to walk entirely around the Earth.
She came into this life with a wide variety of latent abilities. Her time in the crib was part of her journey, as were her first attempts at crawling and her first steps. In fact, her birth was actually her first "step" on her journey.

As she grew, it was clear to any thoughtful observer that her life, like all lives, was heading toward "something" or "somewhere". As she became of age to travel outside of her community, it was with fond farewells that her loved ones expressed their parting words of love and support.
As she traveled each day, month, and year the path was constantly changing. However, what didn't change was what excited and motivated her as she walked along the path.

Her travels brought her into contact with many other people and, as people do, they had their own perceptions of who she was and what she was doing. Since she was well nurtured as a young girl, she knew that other's impressions of her were... well, their impressions.

As she was becoming more adept in her daily walking, it was also becoming clear to her that she had her strengths and weaknesses. To her credit, she continually practiced turning her weaknesses into strengths. She knew that they were not personal defects but instead were gifts placed within her being to develop her being in new ways.

She walked through the countryside. She walked through various towns cities, states/provinces and... eventually, countries. She walked, lived life, and experienced the path. Sometimes the path was fraught with difficulties while at other times it provided sure footing under her (rather tired) feet. And yes, for all of you readers with a 7 Life Path, she occasionally enjoyed passage on ships. She's quite a person but it's too much of a stretch to say she walked on water!

After much more walking, she actually began to include continents traveled in her journal of events.
Finally, at the end of the last continent, she looked back over her travels. All of the people, places, and things. She pondered what she had added to her soul and the world in which she had walked.
Allegory Interpretation
Hopefully, at this point in our on-line workshop, you were able to connect some of the elements of our traveler's story with the elements found in this Numerology course. Here's a list for your enjoyment:
  • Where She's Headed: Expression
  • Her Latent (and latter developed) Abilities: Life Path, Birth Day, and Intensification Points
  • What Excited and Motivated Her: Heart's Desire
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Changes: Personal Day, Month, Week, Year
  • Impressions of Others: Personality
  • Weaknesses Transformed into Strengths: Habit Challenge
  • Cities Visited: The Essences and The Transits (coming up in the next two lessons)
  • Regions and Countries Visited: Pinnacles and Challenges
  • Continents Visited: Life Path Periods
  • What She Added To Her Soul and the World: Maturity Number

Timing of the Life Path Periods

The following chart illustrates ages when Life Path Periods begin and end. The transitions from one period to the next are very gradual. The Periods always change in a 1 Personal Year, but the influences of the next Life Path Period are sometimes felt a couple years before they actually change. In the same way, a previous Life Path Period gradually fades over a period of a couple of years after the new Life Path Period begins.

Like the Pinnacles and Challenges, the Life Path determines the timing of the Life Path Periods:
  1. The First Life Path Period starts at birth.
  2. The Second Life Path Period starts on January 1 of the 1 Personal Year closest to the 28th Birthday.
  3. The Third Life Path Period starts on January 1 of the 1 Personal Year closest to the 56th Birthday and continues the rest of the life.

Age Chart for Life Path Period Timing

Life Path Number First Life Path Period  Second Life Path Period Third Life Path Period
9 0-27 28-54 55 on
8 0-28 29-55 56 on
7 0-29 30-56 57 on
6 0-30 31-57 58 on
5 0-31 32-58 59 on
4 0-23 24-59 60 on
3 0-24 25-51 52 on
2 0-25 26-52 53 on
1 0-26 27-53 54 on

Calculating the Life Path Periods

  • The First Life Path Period is digited down from the Month of Birth.
  • The Second Life Path Period is the digited down from the Day of Birth.
  • The Third Life Path Period is the digited down from the Year of Birth.
By this point in the course, you know how to interpret the Master Numbers of 11 and 22.
We begin by using Barbara's date of birth as our example:

26th 1953
11/2 Master No.
2 + 6 = 8 1 + 9 + 5 + 3 = 18
1 + 8 = 9
11 + 8 + 9 = 28
2 + 8 = 1 Life Path
Month of Birth  = The First Life Path Period
11/2 First Life Path Period
Day of Birth = The Second Life Path Period
2 + 6  = 8 Second Life Path Period
Year of Birth  = The Third Life Path Period
1 + 9 + 5 + 3 = 18
1 + 8 = 9 Third Life Path Period

By calculating Barbara's birth date we determine that her First Life Path Period is an 11/2. Because her Life Path is a 1, her First Life Path Period is felt from birth until the end of December after her 26th Birthday. The influences of the 11/2 expose her to energies represented in this Master Number. Therefore, the energies of awareness, creativity, inspiration, and developing a sixth sense are present.
Remember these influences are broad in nature. Perhaps she recognizes situations in her environment that provide examples of these qualities. But most often the impressions that are left with the individual are outside of conscious awareness. We also know that she experiences the Master Number of 11 as the single digit of 2.

The energy in the First Life Path Period lingers for a couple years into the second Life Path Period, just as the Second Life Path Period is felt for a couple years before it actually officially begins.
Barbara is experiencing her Second Life Path Period now and it is an 8 vibration. This period started on the beginning of January before her 27th Birthday and will conclude at the end of December before her 54th Birthday. The 8 vibration as her Second Life Path Period influences her productive years. The energies present themselves as environmental influences of power, authority, and leadership skills. During this productive period, her career ideas and family influences may contain these qualities. She may also notice how others use power and authority as well as how organized and efficient they are. She may examine her values and beliefs in these areas. Keep in mind that a Life Path Period provides a global influence. It subtly guides a person to notice the qualities that the vibration represents.
Barbara experiences a 9 for her Third Life Path Period. It begins in the January before her 54th Birthday. Her integrative years will guide her with the wisdom of a 9 vibration. She  may desire to expand herself spiritually and creatively. The 9 holds within it universal understanding. What a nice last Life Path Period to behold. This vibration assists in addressing all areas of life since a 9 holds all vibration within it.

Final Notes

Remember to examine an individual's whole chart to see if the same vibrations appear anywhere else in the chart. Concentrations of the same energy create a greater importance to work with and understand the dynamics of the vibration.

The Transits

The individual letters of the alphabet combine together to create many different aspects found in a Numerology chart. The letters make up the Expression, Heart's Desire, and the Personality. The Growth Number, First Letter, and First Vowel are also derived from letters. We devote this lesson to the individual letters expressed as Transits.

When calculating an Essence Chart,  we note which letter in our first, middle, and last names are influencing the current year. (Again, the system will work regardless of how many individual names are within a person's complete name.) The combined vibration equals the Essence, but each individual vibration, or Transit, also represents significant energy influences for the given year. Each Transit has an independent message while it is operating in a given year. The Transits and Essences are equal in their importance to the Personal Year and it is helpful to interpret their energies together

To refresh your memory, the following chart illustrates the length of time each letter is active as a Transit influence.

Letter Length of
A J S 1 year
B K T 2 years
C L U 3 years
D M V 4 years
E N W 5 years
F O X 6 years
G P Y 7 years
H Q Z 8 years
I R   9 years

Age Chart for Timing of The Transits and Essences

By using Barbara's name as an example, we can highlight the active Transits. Note the current year and you'll find which Transits are influencing the year in question. Each Transit lasts between one and nine years as indicated in our previous chart. Their influence starts on the subject's Birthday rather than January 1st like the Personal Year does.

Year Age First
1953 0 B=2 A=1 K=2 5
54 1 B=2 N=5 K=2 9
55 2 A=1 N=5 E=5 11
56 3 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
57 4 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
58 5 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
59 6 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
60 7 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
61 8 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
62 9 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
63 10 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
64 11 R=9 A=1 L=3 13/4
65 12 B=2 N=5 L=3 10/1
66 13 B=2 N=5 Y=3 10/1
67 14 A=1 N=5 Y=3 9
68 15 R=9 N=5 Y=3 17/8
69 16 R=9 N=5 Y=3 17/8
70 17 R=9 N=5 Y=3 17/8
71 18 R=9 N=5 Y=3 17/8
72 19 R=9 N=5 Y=3 17/8
73 20 R=9 N=5 K=2 16/7
74 21 R=9 N=5 K=2 16/7
75 22 R=9 A=1 E=5 15/6
76 23 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
77 24 A=1 N=5 E=5 11
78 25 B=2 N=5 E=5 12/3
79 26 B=2 N=5 E=5 12/3
80 27 A=1 N=5 L=3 9
81 28 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
82 29 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
83 30 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
84 31 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
85 32 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
86 33 R=9 A=1 Y=7 17/8
87 34 R=9 N=5 Y=7 21/3
88 35 R=9 N=5 Y=7 21/3
89 36 R=9 N=5 Y=7 21/3
90 37 B=2 N=5 Y=7 14/5
91 38 B=2 N=5 Y=7 14/5
92 39 A=1 N=5 Y=7 13/4
93 40 R=9 N=5 K=2 16/7
94 41 R=9 N=5 K=2 16/7
95 42 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
96 43 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
97 44 R=9 A=1 E=5 15/6
98 45 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
99 46 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
2000 47 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
01 48 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
02 49 B=2 N=5 L=3 10/1
03 50 B=2 N=5 L=3 10/1
04 51 A=1 N=5 L=3 9
05 52 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
06 53 R=9 N=5 Y=7 21/3
07 54 R=9 N=5 Y=7 21/3
08 55 R=9 A=1 Y=7 17/8
09 56 R=9 N=5 Y=7 21/3
10 57 R=9 N=5 Y=7 21/3
11 58 R=9 N=5 Y=7 21/3
12 59 R=9 N=5 Y=7 21/3
13 60 R=9 N=5 K=2 16/7
14 61 A=1 N=5 K=2 8
15 62 B=2 N=5 E=5 12/3
16 63 B=2 N=5 E=5 12/3
17 64 A=1 N=5 E=5 11
18 65 R=9 N=5 E=5 19/1
19 66 R=9 A=1 E=5 15/6
20 67 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
21 68 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
22 69 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8
23 70 R=9 N=5 L=3 17/8

Interpreting The Transits

When interpreting the Transits and Essences, remember to examine their energy in conjunction with the Personal Year. The Personal year is covered in Numerology Lesson Fifteen. Refer to Lesson Nineteen for the Essences.

Note the Transits operating in 1999, in Barbara's example above, are R, N, and E. The same Transits were operating in the previous year. In the year 2000, the E completes and the vibration of L takes its place on November 26, of that year (Barbara's Birthday). The R continues on and completes in the year 2002, while the N carries on until November 26th of the year 2008.

Barbara was is in a 2 Personal Year in 1999. The chart above shows that Barbara began a 19/1 Essence in her 1 Personal Year and the 19/1 Essence duration is 2 years. Now let's combine the energy of initiating new ideas and developing talents (found in the 19/1 Essence) with the Transit influences of R, N, and E.
  • The R brings with it a creative and compassionate period. Ambition is highlighted but confusion can also be present. Sometimes it is hard to sort through all the options possible while sensing and feeling so much. Sometimes delays present themselves while self love is highlighted.
  • The N brings a pleasurable period with exciting events. Travel is indicated. Many changes are possible. Adaptability is enhanced and will bring opportunities. The finances can fluctuate but usually arrive at the right time. A progressive attitude can help lighten responsibilities and attract help in ways not previously thought of.
  • The E brings added freedom and possibly exciting changes. Opportunities for meeting new and interesting people may appear. Opportunity to travel or become involved in a more global approach to life is present. Sometimes this can be an eccentric period of life.
We notice that both the N and the E are 5 energies. This may add a restless quality to Barbara. Sometimes she may find it hard to finish what she has begun. She may even change ideas more frequently than usual. Because she is in a Karmic Essence of a 19/1, she may challenge herself to openly surrender and develop individual talents and interests more fully than in other times of her life. The activity in her Transits may expose her to the world in vaster ways assisting her in attracting opportunity.


Whenever we have a repeated energy, or the same letter appearing as an active Transit more than once, it can attract over or under balanced energy. In addition, when the same numerical vibration is active as a Transit more than once, as illustrated by the N and E in Barbara's chart, out of balance energies may occur. The excessive energy can always be directed by practicing awareness.

Transit Highlights

A (1 year):
Change, new starts, beginnings. A change of direction in the career, or a change in home. Creative projects begin.

An overactive energy is present. Pay attention or opportunities may be missed.
B (2 years):
A slower pace is indicated. Teamwork, partnerships or love interests are favored. High sensitivity is possible. Time to balance health.

Emotions could be extreme at times. A good time to learn how to center and balance.

C (3 years):
Creativity is enhanced. Social activities are highlighted. Domestic life could become stressed. A time to learn how to enjoy but restlessness could result.

May desire to play too much with little accomplishment or become extremely restless.

D (4 years):
Opportunities to organize and take responsibility for one's own life. A practical, hard working period. Rest is needed.

Can become a workaholic. Life can seem limiting. There is a challenge to free oneself from limiting beliefs or restrictions.

E (5 years):
Freedom is sought. Time of exciting changes and meeting new people. Opportunity to travel and possible new or renewed love interests. Can also be an eccentric period.

May change ideas and interests too often and not yield results from application of efforts.

F (6 years):
Responsibilities are taken on. A good financial period. Domestic matters become important. Romantic interests are highlighted.

Can become overburdened with responsibilities.

G (7 years):
Solitude needed at times. Tendency towards secrecy. Finances may be good. Excellent period for study and research.

Spending too much time alone could alienate others or create a desire to withdraw from the world.

H (8 years):
Good period for business expansion. Financial trend is upwards. Can try too hard. Can establish independence.

May become overambitious and encounter resulting consequences.

I (9 years):
An emotional period. Sensitivity and nervousness are heightened. Sometimes delays prevail. May be a time of highs and lows. Creative opportunities present themselves.

May have difficulty in getting things started because of so many distractions.

J (1 year):
A change of some sort on the horizon. Financial prospects are good. Indecisive at times.

Over activity and distraction may lead to confusion.

K (2 years):
A spiritually inspiring period. Partnerships are enhanced. Time to balance health. May attract situations needing mediation.

An emotionally sensitive time.

L (3 years):
Many new friends and social events. Good time for creative purposes. Be careful not to waste opportunities by scattering energies.

Over indulging in pleasure can be enticing.

M (4 years):
A practical and realistic time. Desire to work hard. Finances improve slowly. Energy levels may seem a little low at times.

May have tendency to over work. Need to get enough rest.

N (5 years):
Pleasurable period with exciting events. Travel indicated. Many changes possible. Adaptability enhanced. Finances may fluctuate but appear when needed.

May feel extreme restlessness.

O (6 years):
Good period for study. Domestic responsibilities accepted. Finances improve. A calm, sure period.

Can become emotionally drained by the problems of others.

P (7 years):
Intellectual activities enhanced. Time spent alone is needed. Good business vibration if precautions taken.

Desire to isolate from the world.

Q (8 years):
Good time for Finances to improve. Unusual business ventures favored. Eccentric time. Tactful communication is important to maintain understanding.

May be judged as over-eccentric by others.

R (9 years):
A creative and compassionate period. Ambitions are highlighted. Much confusion and emotion present. May be delays at times.

Closure to many events and delays are possible. Sometimes a difficult period leading to deeper understanding of self.

S (1 year):
Circumstances may change. Often surprises appear. May feel over emotional at times. An active and ambitious period.

Situations may regress or revert needing more thought and attention.

T (2 years):
Possible change of home. Partnerships are likely to prosper. Important to take care of health matters. May feel more sensitive and aware than usual. Intuition is present.

May feel more tension than usual.

U (3 years):
This is a creative time. Enjoyable experiences associated with groups. Pay attention to finances. Confidence may need boosting from time to time.

May be a very confusing period.

V (4 years):
May progress with an important practical venture. Personal power is highlighted in this period. Possibility for outstanding achievement combined with hard work.

Plans may be too ambitious to be carried out. Take caution or can become overworked.

W (5 years):
Many changes are possible. An adventurous and impulsive period. Travel likely. Interests are varied and may change quickly and often.

Tendency to scatter energy over many interests may occur.

X (6 years):
Home life is enhanced. An unusual period in some ways. Public recognition is possible. Romantic and love interests highlighted.

May feel a need to support others needs before individual needs are met.

Y (7 years):
A need is present  to choose a direction. Solitude desired to sort life decisions. Spiritual awareness gained after confusion.

May vacillate with mental confusion feeling unable to take positive action.

Z (8 years):
Fine financial prospects may reveal themselves. Business ability enhanced. May be attracted to the unusual or esoteric subjects. Domestic matters may lack attention.

May find domestic situations a bit stressed.